[mapserver-users] Mapserver on Mandrake-Server

Puneet Kishor pkishor at GeoAnalytics.com
Mon Sep 9 10:27:12 PDT 2002

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Till Adams [mailto:adams at terrestris.de]
> Sent: Monday, September 09, 2002 11:43 AM
> To: mapserverlist
> Subject: [mapserver-users] Mapserver on Mandrake-Server 
> Dear list, 
> I'm running mapserver on a Mandrake 8.2 Linux with Apache 1.3.x
> My httpd.conf file says the document root directory is
> /var/www/html/
> but when I point to that directory as Imagepath, nothing happens - 
> that means my map, legend, scale etc, keep being red crosses. 
> I even searched for temporary png-files, but I didn't find any, so
> I guess Mapserver doesn't produce them.

well, the imagepath is exactly that. It is the path to the directory where
you want mapserver to write out the temporary images. Typically you want
these images to be dumped in a tmp directory so you can clean the directory
from time to time. Additionally, you need to set this tmp directory with
permissions to mapserver can write to it. Mapserver (actually your
webserver) runs under a specific account (www or apache or nobody). The tmp
directory should be writeable by this account.

/var/www/html is your document root directory which has nothing to do with
mapserver. That is the docs root for Apache... ostensibly you have many
other websites in this docs root besides mapserver.

Do the following...

1. find out what Apache is running as (look it up in httpd.conf)
2. create a tmp directory under your mapserver application root. for

assuming that all your mapserver website htmls are sitting under

3. chown/chgrp/chmod tmp so it can be written to by the account you
discovered in #1 above.
4. change the values accordingly in your map file.
5. write a little crontab entry that cleans out the png files created under
tmp every n mins or so

> Mapserver itsself is working, because when I query the map (I 
> can't see,
> but I can click "Query" and then redraw the map) Mapserver 
> returns results 
> in my templates and also the test worked well 
> (local-host/cgi-bin/mapserv).
> I really have no ideas any more what went wrong, because also 
> my configuration
> went well - Mapserver.config finds gd files and also proj.
> Any help?
> Many thanks! :-) 
> Till
>  -- -- -- terrestris jetzt online! www.terrestris.de -- -- --
> -----
> Dipl. Geogr. Till Adams
> terrstris, Paulsen&Adams GbR
> Meckenheimer Allee 166 * 53115 Bonn
> Tel.: 0228 73 9647 * Fax.: 0228 73 6538
> info at terrestris.de * www.terrestris.de

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