[mapserver-users] postgis and setfilter

Eduin Yesid Carrillo yecarrillo at hotmail.com
Mon Sep 16 21:28:57 EDT 2002

I want to contribute this working code to filter layers with postgis(0.7.2) 
and mapscript(3.5) with more than one column.

(Note the parentesis)

I hope this help to somebody...

$poLayer = $gpoMap->getlayerbyname(puntos);
$poLayer->setFilter("(codedif=3) AND (codpiso=3)");

Eduin Yesid Carrillo
Ingeniero Civil
Bucaramanga - Colombia
yecarrillo at hotmail.com
yecarrillo at condorito.uis.edu.co
#ICQ 14323531

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