BENCHMARKING (was: [mapserver-users] professional MapServer services list? / ArcIMS-MapServer choice)

Tyler Mitchell TMitchell at
Tue Sep 17 16:37:01 PDT 2002

I too would be interested in discussing benchmarks - obviously, we would
first have to develop the criteria that goes into a benchmark.  What kinds
of processes or functions would need to be done?
Off the top of my head:
-time (t) from request to image output  (has anyone already created php
scripts, etc. to benchmark mapserver like this - I'd bet someone has!)
-average t / # of requests / min
-what else...?

|         |           Dave McIlhagga              |
|         |           <mcilhagga at>  |
|         |           Sent by:                    |
|         |           owner-mapserver-users at lists.|
|         |                  |
|         |                                       |
|         |                                       |
|         |           09/16/2002 04:11 PM         |
|         |                                       |
  |                                                                                                                                                  |
  |       To:       john1zastrow at                                                                                                           |
  |       cc:       Mark Phillips <mbp at>, mapserver-users at                                                              |
  |       Fax to:                                                                                                                                    |
  |       Subject:  Re: [mapserver-users] professional MapServer services list? /  ArcIMS-MapServer choice                                           |


In fact, there are numerous examples that if anything may indicate the
contrary.  Ourselves, we have been involved with a project that can
comfortably generate over 100,000 map draws a day.  There was also an
example a couple of years ago covering the Canadian Federal election
where a MapServer based application was the only one able to handle the
enormous traffic that resulted.

I believe there are a few other groups using MapServer on this list who
have also indicated that they have been using it for high volumes.

I'm not sure if anyone has done a thorough comparison of ArcIMS with
Oracle vs. MapServer with either tuned flat files, connection to Oracle
Spatial, SDE or PostGIS, but I suspect that MapServer would come out on
top hands down.

Now that this has been brought up - has anyone done any kind of
benchmarking like this?  I'd love to have that at my disposal in the
ongoing argument to potential clients for using MapServer.


John Zastrow wrote:
> Mark and List,
> I'm a similar boat, except that it's my own group that I'd be 'selling'
> Mapserver to. It's my impression that for small to moderate sized
> mapserver does just fine. But moderate to semi-large projects (size being
> load and data load) one needs to use a commercial map server (ArcIMS on
> Oracle).
> Has anyone done a feature matrix of the various mapsevers out there? I
> started lurking on this list. Standard apologies if this has been covered
> already. I'd be interested to see Mark's compilation and information from
> who have comparative information.
> --- Mark Phillips <mbp at> wrote:
>>Hi List,
>>I'm interested in compiling a list of companies and individuals who
>>provide MapServer support and development services.  If you are such a
>>company or individual, could you drop me a note?
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Dave McIlhagga
President, DM Solutions Group
EMail : mcilhagga at
Phone : 613-565-5056 x15
Fax : 613-565-0925

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