[mapserver-users] TIFFs and ECWs rasters get a monochrome output - why?

Alexander Gleyzer agleyzer at bezeqint.net
Mon Sep 23 14:28:16 PDT 2002


I'm using MapServer raster layers to present large background images.
When I got to large TIFFs (>200 MB) the server displayed an error message (unsupported image format or smth.).
I tried to download the GDAL support version (precompiled Win-32 binaries),
which also supports ECW (I have those TIFFs compressed to ECWs).
But when I fired it up - all the output turned out black-and-white, never mind the output format (GIF, JPG, PNG)!
Why is that happening? Is there a way to normally present large TIFFs or their ECW equivalents?


Alexander Gleyzer.

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