[Mapserver-users] GD2 on Win32

Richard Greenwood Rich at GreenwoodMap.com
Tue Apr 1 10:05:57 PST 2003

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Following are my (rather flaky) notes on compiling 3.7 with GD2 and postgis 
winder windows with vc6. I also put my makfile at:


=== 3.7 notes ====

3.7 still compiles with GD 1.8.4, but this apparently doesn't provide 24bit 
color support. GD-2 does, but requires freetype2.

 From 3.7 README.WIN32
- MapServer uses the GD library from http://boutell.com/ and the Win32
   makefiles are set by default to work with GD version 1.8.4 with the
   GIF support patch (see http://www.rime.com.au/gd/)

   If you are using a different version of GD, then it is very important
   to make sure that you update the -DUSE_GD_* flags in all the Makefile.vc.

GD-2    (gd-2.0.11)  requires the following, which I put under the 
gd-2.0.11 directory:
*       zlib    (1.1.4)
                 copy files zlib.dnt, makefile.nt from zlib-1.1.4\nt -> 
                 nmake /f makefile.nt
         libpng  (1.2.5)
                 lpng*.zip for DOS end-of-line (libpng-*.tar.gz for 
UNIX-style EOL)
                 Do zlib before libpng
Has VC Studio project file, however I found makefile.msc in scripts 
directory and edited it (look for #RWG comments in makefile)
         jpeg    (6b)
                 rename jconfig.vc -> jconfig.h
                 #  RWG - comment out next line
                 # $(RM) libjpeg.lib
                 nmake /f makefile.vc
                 Wants gnu make, which I found compiled at:
                 Couldn't get it to make, downloaded pre-compiled version:
And un-zipped it right into gd-2.0.11 directory - creating include and lib 
gdft.c fails in the make, but just cl gdft.c and gdft.obj gets made, and 
then do another make to carryon.

GDAL (1.1.8)
         Do not have ECW in there yet! Need to edit nmake.opt in GDAL 1.1.8

* Thanks to the Frank Warmerdam, Ed McNierney, and Jan Hartmann for their 
quick answers and sharp minds. I had compiled gd with zlib 1.1.4, however I 
had compiled gdal with zlib 1.1.3 (gdal 1.1.8 includes zlib 1.1.3 in the 
source archive under the frmts directory). Recompiling gd with the same 
version of zlib as I used in gdal solved the problem.

=== end 3.7 notes ====

At 08:55 AM 4/1/2003 -0700, you wrote:

>I'd like to second this.  I can't tell you the pain I've gone through over 
>the last 10 months or so in trying to get Mapserver compiled with 
>MapScript and PostGIS support on Windows.... unsuccessfully I might 
>add.  I appreciate the efforts made by Pericles and DM Solutions to put 
>win32 binaries on the web, but they can't possibly keep up to date 
>binaries of every possible combinations.
>Which brings me to my next point.  Why can't MapServer just have post- 
>compile-time pluggable modules (like PHP has extensions for PostgreSQL, 
>MapScript, etc).  I'm guessing it's more more work than it sounds, 
>otherwise it probably would've been done... but I just thought I'd throw 
>it out there.
>Anyway, in case you don't already know about this page, this might help 
>you out.
>I thought I hit the jackpot when I found it, but still haven't been able 
>to everything going... hopefully you'll have more success.
>>From: "Geoghegan, Sean" <Sean.Geoghegan at dsto.defence.gov.au>
>>To: "Mapserver-Users (E-mail)" <mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu>
>>Subject: [Mapserver-users] GD2 on Win32
>>Date: Tue, 1 Apr 2003 16:32:47 +0930
>>  Hi all
>>  Does anyone have a working binary of GD2.x.x for Windows?  I am having 
>> trouble getting it to compile on using the MSVC compiler.  I've noticed 
>> that DMSolutions has some Mapserver3.7 binaries available using GD2, 
>> however I also need my binaries to have SDE support.  The windows build 
>> instructions for GD2 are practically non-existant.  If the mapserver 
>> people could provide a GD2 binary for users to build against, Im sure it 
>> would make it alot easier for people.
>>Sean Geoghegan
>>Information Exploitation Group
>>Command and Intelligence Environments Branch
>>Command and Control Division
>>Defence Science and Technology Organisation
>>sean.geoghegan at dsto.defence.gov.au   ph +61 08 82595895
>>Mapserver-users mailing list
>>Mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
>Add photos to your messages with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.
>Mapserver-users mailing list
>Mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu

Richard W. Greenwood, PLS
Greenwood Mapping, Inc.
Rich at GreenwoodMap.com
(307) 733-0203

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Following are my (rather flaky) notes on compiling 3.7 with GD2 and
postgis winder windows with vc6. I also put my makfile at:<br>
<a href="http://www.greenwoodmap.com/mapserver/" eudora="autourl">http://www.greenwoodmap.com/mapserver/</a><br><br>
=== 3.7 notes ====<br><br>
<font face="Arial, Helvetica">3.7 still compiles with GD 1.8.4, but this
apparently doesn’t provide 24bit color support. GD-2 does, but requires
 From 3.7 README.WIN32<br>

<dd>- MapServer uses the GD library from
<a href="http://boutell.com/" eudora="autourl">http://boutell.com/</a>
and the Win32<br>

<dd>  makefiles are set by default to work with GD version 1.8.4 with the<br>

<dd>  GIF support patch (see http://www.rime.com.au/gd/)<br><br>

<dd>  If you are using a different version of GD, then it is very important<br>

<dd>  to make sure that you update the -DUSE_GD_* flags in all the Makefile.vc.<br><br>

<dd>GD-2<x-tab>    </x-tab>(gd-2.0.11)  requires the following, which I put under the gd-2.0.11 directory:<br>

<dd>*<x-tab>       </x-tab>zlib <x-tab>   </x-tab>(1.1.4)<br>

</dl><x-tab>        </x-tab><x-tab>        </x-tab>copy files zlib.dnt, makefile.nt from zlib-1.1.4\nt -> zlib-1.1.4<br>
<x-tab>        </x-tab><x-tab>        </x-tab>nmake /f makefile.nt<br>

<dd><x-tab>        </x-tab>libpng<x-tab>  </x-tab>(1.2.5)<br>

</dl><x-tab>        </x-tab><x-tab>        </x-tab>lpng*.zip for DOS end-of-line (libpng-*.tar.gz for UNIX-style EOL)<br>
<x-tab>        </x-tab><x-tab>        </x-tab>Do zlib before libpng<br>

<dd>Has VC Studio project file, however I found makefile.msc in scripts directory and edited it (look for #RWG comments in makefile)<br>

<dd><x-tab>        </x-tab>jpeg<x-tab>    </x-tab>(6b)<br>

</dl><x-tab>        </x-tab><x-tab>        </x-tab>rename jconfig.vc -> jconfig.h<br>
<x-tab>        </x-tab><x-tab>        </x-tab>#  RWG - comment out next line<br>
<x-tab>        </x-tab><x-tab>        </x-tab># $(RM) libjpeg.lib<br>
<x-tab>        </x-tab><x-tab>        </x-tab>nmake /f makefile.vc<br>
<x-tab>        </x-tab>freetype2<br>
<x-tab>        </x-tab><x-tab>        </x-tab>Wants gnu make, which I found compiled at:<br>
<a href="ftp://ftp.simtel.net/pub/simtelnet/gnu/djgpp/v2gnu/" eudora="autourl">ftp://ftp.simtel.net/pub/simtelnet/gnu/djgpp/v2gnu/</a><x-tab>     </x-tab><x-tab>        </x-tab><x-tab>        </x-tab><br>
<x-tab>        </x-tab><x-tab>        </x-tab>Couldn’t get it to make, downloaded pre-compiled version:<br>
<x-tab>        </x-tab><x-tab>        </x-tab><x-tab>        </x-tab><a href="http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/freetype.htm" eudora="autourl">http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/freetype.htm</a><br>

<dd>And un-zipped it right into gd-2.0.11 directory - creating include and lib subdirectories. <br>

</dl>gdft.c fails in the make, but just cl gdft.c and gdft.obj gets made, and then do another make to carryon.<br><br>
GDAL (1.1.8)<br>
<x-tab>        </x-tab>Do not have ECW in there yet! Need to edit nmake.opt in GDAL 1.1.8<br><br>
* Thanks to the Frank Warmerdam, Ed McNierney, and Jan Hartmann for their quick answers and sharp minds. I had compiled gd with zlib 1.1.4, however I had compiled gdal with zlib 1.1.3 (gdal 1.1.8 includes zlib 1.1.3 in the source archive under the frmts directory). Recompiling gd with the same version of zlib as I used in gdal solved the problem.<br><br>
</font>=== end 3.7 notes ====<br><br>
At 08:55 AM 4/1/2003 -0700, you wrote:<br><br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite>I'd like to second this.  I can't tell you the pain I've gone through over the last 10 months or so in trying to get Mapserver compiled with MapScript and PostGIS support on Windows.... unsuccessfully I might add.  I appreciate the efforts made by Pericles and DM Solutions to put win32 binaries on the web, but they can't possibly keep up to date binaries of every possible combinations.<br>
Which brings me to my next point.  Why can't MapServer just have post- compile-time pluggable modules (like PHP has extensions for PostgreSQL, MapScript, etc).  I'm guessing it's more more work than it sounds, otherwise it probably would've been done... but I just thought I'd throw it out there.<br><br>
Anyway, in case you don't already know about this page, this might help you out.<br>
<a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/gnuwin32/" eudora="autourl">http://sourceforge.net/projects/gnuwin32/</a><br>
I thought I hit the jackpot when I found it, but still haven't been able to everything going... hopefully you'll have more success.<br><br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite>From: "Geoghegan, Sean" <Sean.Geoghegan at dsto.defence.gov.au><br>
To: "Mapserver-Users (E-mail)" <mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu><br>
Subject: [Mapserver-users] GD2 on Win32<br>
Date: Tue, 1 Apr 2003 16:32:47 +0930<br><br>
 Hi all<br><br>
 Does anyone have a working binary of GD2.x.x for Windows?  I am having trouble getting it to compile on using the MSVC compiler.  I've noticed that DMSolutions has some Mapserver3.7 binaries available using GD2, however I also need my binaries to have SDE support.  The windows build instructions for GD2 are practically non-existant.  If the mapserver people could provide a GD2 binary for users to build against, Im sure it would make it alot easier for people.<br><br>
Sean Geoghegan<br>
Information Exploitation Group<br>
Command and Intelligence Environments Branch<br>
Command and Control Division<br>
Defence Science and Technology Organisation<br>
sean.geoghegan at dsto.defence.gov.au   ph +61 08 82595895<br><br>
Mapserver-users mailing list<br>
Mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu<br>
<a href="http://lists.gis.umn.edu/mailman/listinfo/mapserver-users" eudora="autourl">http://lists.gis.umn.edu/mailman/listinfo/mapserver-users</a></blockquote><br><br>
Add photos to your messages with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.  <br>
<a href="http://join.msn.com/?page=features/featuredemail" eudora="autourl">http://join.msn.com/?page=features/featuredemail</a><br><br>
Mapserver-users mailing list<br>
Mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu<br>
<a href="http://lists.gis.umn.edu/mailman/listinfo/mapserver-users" eudora="autourl">http://lists.gis.umn.edu/mailman/listinfo/mapserver-users</a><br><br>
Richard W. Greenwood, PLS<br>
Greenwood Mapping, Inc.<br>
Rich at GreenwoodMap.com<br>
(307) 733-0203<br>
<a href="http://www.greenwoodmap.com/" eudora="autourl">http://www.GreenwoodMap.com</a></body>



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