April 2003 Archives by date
Starting: Tue Apr 1 01:17:28 PST 2003
Ending: Wed Apr 30 17:26:21 PDT 2003
Messages: 689
- [Mapserver-users] Point whitin polygon
Eric Bridger
- [Mapserver-users] wms and scalebar
Petur Kirke
- [Mapserver-users] JOIN in MapServer v3.6.3
gnt.z at gmx.net
- [Mapserver-users] SqlServer Database
Gabriel Vieira Ferrari
- [Mapserver-users] Point whitin polygon
Marc Drouin
- [Mapserver-users] Re:[Mapserver-users] SqlServer Database
emailfittizio at libero.it
- [Mapserver-users] onMouseOver events
Kevin Slover
- [Mapserver-users] onMouseOver events
Dan Barron
- [Mapserver-users] GD2 on Win32
- [Mapserver-users] GD2 on Win32
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [Mapserver-users] Thanks : Point in polygon
Marc Drouin
- [Mapserver-users] wms and scalebar
Arnulf Christl
- [Mapserver-users] JOIN in MapServer v3.6.3
Richard Greenwood
- [Mapserver-users] LABELANGLEITEM on Oracle Spatial
Heri Noviandi
- [Mapserver-users] GD2 on Win32
Richard Greenwood
- [Mapserver-users] onMouseOver events
Lowell Filak
- [Mapserver-users] WMS Client Layer
Brian Fischer
- [Mapserver-users] rosa and "Dragging" problem
Debbie Pagurek
- [Mapserver-users] MapScript examples
Adam Zornes
- [Mapserver-users] MapScript examples
Lowell Filak
- [Mapserver-users] MapScript examples
Tyler Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] createlang troubles
Alessandro Ceccotti
- [Mapserver-users] installation problems
Petur Kirke
- [Mapserver-users] JPEG input
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] JPEG input
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] JPEG input
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] Compile Problems on SGI IRIX 6.5.19
Sebastian Walter
- [Mapserver-users] JPEG input
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] proj problem
Gintaras Zemaitis
- Fw: [Mapserver-users] installation problems
Petur Kirke
- [Mapserver-users] proj problem
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] JPEG input
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] JPEG input
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Re: [Fwd: [Fwd: problems installig mapscript extension]]
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [Mapserver-users] Sending String Logical Expressions
James Vogl
- [Mapserver-users] installation problems
Fawcett, David
- [Mapserver-users] Sending String Logical Expressions
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] JPEG input
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] GRASS raster from GDAL
Matt Doggett
- [Mapserver-users] MPASERVER 3.7
jose ss
- [Mapserver-users] MPASERVER 3.7
Swaminathan, Gayathri
- [Mapserver-users] Sending String Logical Expressions
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] trouble running mapserv
- [Mapserver-users] Classes based on Postgis && function
Benjamin Wragg
- [Mapserver-users] Reference box
Gabriel Vieira Ferrari
- [Mapserver-users] Re: Reference box
Gabriel Vieira Ferrari
- [Mapserver-users] Re: Reference box
John.Hockaday at ga.gov.au
- [Mapserver-users] Supported PostgreSQL Platforms and Versions???
Benjamin Wragg
- [Mapserver-users] convert pixel to world (georeferenced) coordinates
Matt Doggett
- [Mapserver-users] Supported PostgreSQL Platforms and Versions???
Paul Ramsey
- [Mapserver-users] convert pixel to world (georeferenced) coor dinates
Antti.Roppola at brs.gov.au
- [Mapserver-users] Fixing Font Error: msGetLabelSize()....
Tyler Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] Supported PostgreSQL Platforms and Versions???
- [Mapserver-users] Supported PostgreSQL Platforms and Versions???
Benjamin Wragg
- [Mapserver-users] GRASS raster from GDAL
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] problems installing
Pedro Brito
- [Mapserver-users] Appending a shapefile
Dylan Rawlins
- [Mapserver-users] Appending a shapefile
m.spring at gmx.de
- [Mapserver-users] Appending a shapefile
Jon Shorie
- [Mapserver-users] GRASS raster from GDAL
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] Supported PostgreSQL Platforms and Versions ???
Lowther, David W
- [Mapserver-users] Appending a shapefile
Paul Spencer
- [Mapserver-users] USING UNIQUE and USING SRID=# not recognized
Uli Mueller
- [Mapserver-users] dynamic point generation with php-mapscript
Paul Dymecki
- [Mapserver-users] JPEG input
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [Mapserver-users] Supported PostgreSQL Platforms and Versions???
Tyler Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] dynamic point generation with php-mapscript
Dan Barron
- [Mapserver-users] JPEG input
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] GRASS raster from GDAL
Matt Doggett
- [Mapserver-users] Fwd: Mapserver-label and symbol
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] dynamic point generation with php-mapscript
Van Ulden, Joost
- [Mapserver-users] Appending a shapefile
Stepan Kafka
- [Mapserver-users] convert pixel to world (georeferenced) coordinates
Matt Doggett
- [Mapserver-users] GRASS raster from GDAL
Matt Doggett
- [Mapserver-users] Creating a Workspace (dsw) and project (dsp) of MapServer in Visual C++ 6.0
Rosangela Silva
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer / PostGIS fetches wrong DATA
Uli Mueller
- [Mapserver-users] PostgreSQL Cygwin problem
Benjamin Wragg
- [Mapserver-users] dynamic point generation with php-mapscript
Paul Dymecki
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver query click returns PostGIS query error
Jonathan W. Lowe
- [Mapserver-users] dynamic point generation with php-mapscript
Paul Dymecki
- [Mapserver-users] 2bit tiff image recolor on the fly
Zarko Mocnik
- [Mapserver-users] Point symbol rendering problem (in GD?)
Havard Tveite
- [Mapserver-users] symbol SIZE in CLASS - misleading
Havard Tveite
- [Mapserver-users] Labels get unreadable over background-color and -image
Stefan Schwarzer
- [Mapserver-users] createlang troubles
Vincent Schut
- [Mapserver-users] Labels get unreadable over background-color and -image
Michael Schulz
- [Mapserver-users] Labels get unreadable over background-color and -image
Stefan Schwarzer
- [Mapserver-users] 2bit tiff image recolor on the fly
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] Creating a Workspace (dsw) and project (dsp) of MapServer in Visual C++ 6.0
- [Mapserver-users] dynamic point generation with php-mapscript
Eric Bridger
- [Mapserver-users] Creating a Workspace (dsw) and project (dsp) of MapServer in Visual C++ 6.0
Rosangela Silva
- [Mapserver-users] Labels get unreadable over background-color and -image
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] symbol SIZE in CLASS - misleading
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] convert pixel to world (georeferenced) coordinates
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] dynamic point generation with php-mapscript
Van Ulden, Joost
- [Mapserver-users] convert pixel to world (georeferenced) coordinates
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] compile problems
John Williams
- [Mapserver-users] [OFF-TOPIC] announce: GeoBrasil 2003
Eduardo Patto Kanegae
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer 3.7 and STYLE
Kibets Alexander
- [Mapserver-users] (Anti)geocoding and projections...
Krzysztof Chodak
- [Mapserver-users] (Anti)geocoding and projections...
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Getting MapServer to work
Andre Erthal
- [Mapserver-users] initial installation problem
Wiley, John
- [Mapserver-users] Unexpected File Download
Wiley, John
- [Mapserver-users] Unexpected File Download
Ryan, Adam
- [Mapserver-users] Legend and Reference not displaying
Paul Peterson
- [Mapserver-users] dynamic point generation with php-mapscript
Paul Dymecki
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer 3.7 and CLASS/STYLE
Митиш Сергей
- [Mapserver-users] Map server V3.6.5 available for OS/2 end eComstation
Vincenzo Venuto
- [Mapserver-users] Unexpected File Download
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Proj4 configuration?
Neel Smith
- [Mapserver-users] Trouble-shooting again
Gerry Creager N5JXS
- [Mapserver-users] Trouble-shooting again
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] Trouble-shooting again
Dana Quinn
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer implemented in ASP.NET
Morten Nielsen
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer implemented in ASP.NET
Tom.Kralidis at CCRS.NRCan.gc.ca
- [Mapserver-users] Where are legend, reference and .qy images stored?
Paul Peterson
- [Mapserver-users] Where are legend, reference and .qy images stored?
Richard Greenwood
- [Mapserver-users] Newbie-Problems with swf-output
Schlemmer Thilo
- [Mapserver-users] installation problems
Petur Kirke
- [Mapserver-users] dynamic point generation with php-mapscript
Eric Bridger
- [Mapserver-users] zoom and layer selection
Alessandro Ceccotti
- [Mapserver-users] mapserver / Oracle spatial
Ralf Rapude
- [Mapserver-users] mapserver and spatial
Ralf Rapude
- [Mapserver-users] GIS support implemented in MySQL
Mladen Kotarac
- [Mapserver-users] Appending a shapefile
Palle Due Larsen
- [Mapserver-users] Appending a shapefile
Alessandro Galasso
- [Mapserver-users] once again compiling with TTF-Support
Bjoern Platzen
- [Mapserver-users] Where are legend, reference and .qy images stored?
Paul Peterson
- [Mapserver-users] Appending a shapefile
Jean-Francois.Doyon at CCRS.NRCan.gc.ca
- [Mapserver-users] php_mapscript from cvs undefined symbol: curl_multi_info_read ?
Tyler Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] once again compiling with TTF-Support
Tyler Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] Where are legend, reference and .qy images stored?
Gerry Creager N5JXS
- [Mapserver-users] php_mapscript from cvs undefined symbol: cu rl_multi_info_read ?
Jean-Francois.Doyon at CCRS.NRCan.gc.ca
- [Mapserver-users] Proj4 configuration?
Thorsten Fischer
- [Mapserver-users] Ottawa MapServer Users Group
Dave McIlhagga
- [Mapserver-users] Newbie-Problems with swf-output
Thorsten Fischer
- [Mapserver-users] Where are legend, reference and .qy images stored? MORE INFO
Paul Peterson
- [Mapserver-users] Raster classification
Dean Gadoury
- [Mapserver-users] php_mapscript from cvs undefined symbol: cu rl_multi_info_read ?
Tyler Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] php_mapscript from cvs undefined symbol: cu rl_multi_info_read ?
Jean-Francois.Doyon at CCRS.NRCan.gc.ca
- [Mapserver-users] TTF in legends and scalebars
Marc Jacquin
- [Mapserver-users] (Anti)geocoding and projections...
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] Appending a shapefile
Jon Shorie
- [Mapserver-users] once again compiling with TTF-Support
Bjoern Platzen
- [Mapserver-users] Where are legend, reference and .qy images stored? MORE INFO
Ryan, Adam
- [Mapserver-users] Where are legend, reference and .qy images stored? MORE INFO
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] Where are legend, reference and .qy images stored? MORE INFO
Paul Peterson
- [Mapserver-users] [maplab-users] Symbol
Andrés Collao
- [Mapserver-users] Where are legend, reference and .qy images stored? MORE INFO
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] Where are legend, reference and .qyimages stored? MORE INFO
Paul Peterson
- [Mapserver-users] once again compiling with TTF-Support
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Anyone used latest cvs?
Tyler Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] msDrawShape(): General error message. Only polygon or line shapes can be drawn using a line layer definition.
Maurício Pereira Reis
- [Mapserver-users] Anyone used latest cvs?
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Anyone used latest cvs?
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] how to show big5
Pei-Hwao Li
- AW: [Mapserver-users] Newbie-Problems with swf-output
Schlemmer Thilo
- [Mapserver-users] once again compiling with TTF-Support
Björn Platzen
- [Mapserver-users] FDB fonts placement for generating SWF output
Martin Kokeš
- [Mapserver-users] FDB fonts placement for generating SWF output
Martin Kokeš
- [Mapserver-users] Re: msDrawShape(): General error message. Only polygon or line shapes can be dra
- [Mapserver-users] Re: Reference box
Gabriel Vieira Ferrari
- [Mapserver-users] Referencemap and legend via WMS
Morten Nielsen
- [Mapserver-users] 50 classes and thicker lines
Strobl, Christian
- [Mapserver-users] Referencemap and legend via WMS
Tom.Kralidis at CCRS.NRCan.gc.ca
- [Mapserver-users] 50 classes and thicker lines
Michael Schulz
- [Mapserver-users] 50 classes and thicker lines
Oliver Wesp
- [Mapserver-users] 50 classes and thicker lines
Stefan Schwarzer
- [Mapserver-users] Installation with PHP on Unix
Agneta Schick
- [Mapserver-users] Anyone used latest cvs?
Tyler Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] "grid" is reserved word in 3.7
Tyler Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] MapFile - DATA question
Ariel Aizemberg
- [Mapserver-users] tutorial Mapscript3.6
Dan Liu
- [Mapserver-users] Tutorial Mapscript3.6
Dan Liu
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver And Oracle Spatial
Alessandro Galasso
- [Mapserver-users] Installation with PHP on Unix
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] tutorial Mapscript3.6
Pierre-Andre LE NY
- [Mapserver-users] MapFile - DATA question
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] MapFile - DATA question
Tyler Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] Alessandro
Ralf Rapude
- [Mapserver-users] MapFile - DATA question
Richard Greenwood
- [Mapserver-users] ./mapserv: error while loading shared libraries: libgd.so.2: cannot load shared object file: No such file or directory
SailorCK at gmx.de
- [Mapserver-users] MapFile - DATA question
Richard Greenwood
- [Mapserver-users] "grid" is reserved word in 3.7
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] how to show big5
Zhou Xu
- [Mapserver-users] how to show big5
Stepan Kafka
- [Mapserver-users] Shapefile cut-out
Stefan Schwarzer
- Shape to Oracle was:Re: [Mapserver-users] Alessandro
Oliver Wesp
- Shape to Oracle was:Re: [Mapserver-users] Alessandro
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] Global projection query
Matthew Hatcher
- [Mapserver-users] zoom out bug in gmap demo
Martin Hoegh
- AW: [Mapserver-users] Shapefile cut-out
Maul, Andreas-Alexander
- [Mapserver-users] how to start
- [Mapserver-users] Global projection query
Debbie Pagurek
- [Mapserver-users] Label Help
Kevin Slover
- [Mapserver-users] Installation with PHP on Unix
m.spring at gmx.de
- [Mapserver-users] php_mapscript from cvs undefined symbol: curl_multi_info_read ?
Vincent Schut
- [Mapserver-users] Installation with PHP on Unix
Vincent Schut
- [Mapserver-users] offtopic ADRG to TIFF
Jorge Alberto Arocha Muñoz
- [Mapserver-users] MapFile - DATA question
Ariel Aizemberg
- [Mapserver-users] offtopic ADRG to TIFF
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] Error 414 (Request-URI Too Long) on IIS
Hisaji Ono
- [Mapserver-users] PHP problem
Jehng-Jung Kao
- [Mapserver-users] Error 414 (Request-URI Too Long) on IIS
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] 3.7 user feature problem
m.spring at gmx.de
- [Mapserver-users] Installation with PHP on Unix
Alexander Pucher
- [Mapserver-users] php_mapscript from cvs undefined symbol: curl_multi_info_read ?
Tyler Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] PHP problem
Tyler Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] PHP problem
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] PHP problem
Jehng-Jung Kao
- [Mapserver-users] PHP problem
Jehng-Jung Kao
- [Mapserver-users] Error 414 (Request-URI Too Long) on IIS
Hisaji Ono
- [Mapserver-users] Error 414 (Request-URI Too Long) on IIS
Tom.Kralidis at CCRS.NRCan.gc.ca
- [Mapserver-users] PHP problem
Eduardo Spremolla
- [Mapserver-users] annotation not show on map
Dan Liu
- [Mapserver-users] Error 414 (Request-URI Too Long) on IIS
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] defining projection
Heiko.Kehlenbrink at vermes.fh-oldenburg.de
- [Mapserver-users] Error 414 (Request-URI Too Long) on IIS
Eduardo Spremolla
- [Mapserver-users] Error 414 (Request-URI Too Long) on IIS
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] limit to image size?
Grant, Ryan
- [Mapserver-users] procompiled mapserver 3.7 with swf support
Grant, Ryan
- [Mapserver-users] initial installation problem
Swaminathan, Gayathri
- [Mapserver-users] trouble running mapserv
Tyler Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] trouble running mapserv
Swaminathan, Gayathri
- [Mapserver-users] how to start
Morten Nielsen
- [Mapserver-users] PHP Experiences
Jehng-Jung Kao
- [Mapserver-users] trouble running mapserv
Jehng-Jung Kao
- [Mapserver-users] how to show big5
Jehng-Jung Kao
- [Mapserver-users] Hi list
Nito x
- [Mapserver-users] 3.7 build with ecw for windows??
Tyler Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] procompiled mapserver 3.7 with swf support
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [Mapserver-users] procompiled mapserver 3.7 with swf support
Grant, Ryan
- [Mapserver-users] 3.7 build with ecw for windows??
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [Mapserver-users] gdal reading grass-database
Stephan Holl
- [Mapserver-users] gdal reading grass-database
Matt Doggett
- [Mapserver-users] PHP problem
Matt Doggett
- [Mapserver-users] mapserver / Oracle spatial
Tyler Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] how to start
Tyler Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer 3.7 and STYLE
Tyler Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] Error 414 (Request-URI Too Long) on IIS
Antti.Roppola at brs.gov.au
- [Mapserver-users] gdal reading grass-database
Antti.Roppola at brs.gov.au
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer 3.7 and STYLE
Tom.Kralidis at CCRS.NRCan.gc.ca
- [Mapserver-users] how to show big5
Zhou Xu
- [Mapserver-users] gdal reading grass-database
Stepan Kafka
- [Mapserver-users] Can mapserver generate dynamic results...
Sreekanth S Rameshaiah
- [Mapserver-users] To locate an element
braulioen at ono.com
- [Mapserver-users] Results: Installation with PHP on Unix
Agneta Schick
- [Mapserver-users] mapscript shapefileObj
Michael Schulz
- [Mapserver-users] mapscript shapefileObj
Michael Schulz
- [Mapserver-users] Filter how-to
Alessandro Galasso
- [Mapserver-users] gdal reading grass-database
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] gdal reading grass-database
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer 3.7 and STYLE
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] mapscript shapefileObj
Norman Vine
- [Mapserver-users] Error 414 (Request-URI Too Long) on IIS
Thorsten Fischer
- [Mapserver-users] limit to image size?
Alessandro Galasso
- [Mapserver-users] Center Justify Label Text
Shannon Scott
- [Mapserver-users] limit to image size?
Lowell Filak
- [Mapserver-users] User control
Petur Kirke
- AW: [Mapserver-users] limit to image size?
Arnulf Christl CCGIS
- [Mapserver-users] problems with outputformats and raster files on a windows WMS mapserver 3.7
Paul Hasenohr
- [Mapserver-users] how to show big?
Jehng-Jung Kao
- [Mapserver-users] problems with outputformats and raster files on a windows WMS mapserver 3.7
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] User control
Eduardo Spremolla
- [Mapserver-users] Some info
Alessandro Galasso
- [Mapserver-users] featurequery
Stefano Menegon
- [Mapserver-users] gdal reading grass-database
Stephan Holl
- New Security Filters (was: re: [MapServer-Users] User control)
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] Layer color for point data
Michael Soracco
- SOLVED: Re: [Mapserver-users] gdal reading grass-database
Stephan Holl
- [Mapserver-users] rasters correctly displayed in 3.6.6 and not in 3.7
Paul Hasenohr
- [Mapserver-users] Perl under windows
Adam Zornes
- [Mapserver-users] Perl under windows
Lowell Filak
- [Mapserver-users] zoom out bug in gmap demo
Palle Due Larsen
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver connectivity with Java/Perl
garre at u.washington.edu
- [Mapserver-users] IMS or Mapserver for real-time transportation?
garre at u.washington.edu
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver connectivity with Java/Perl
Joe Bussell
- [Mapserver-users] gdal reading grass-database
Antti.Roppola at brs.gov.au
- [Mapserver-users] automatically resize
Jehng-Jung Kao
- [Mapserver-users] display big5 chinese
Jehng-Jung Kao
- [Mapserver-users] User control
Arnulf Christl CCGIS
- [Mapserver-users] loadSymbol(): GD library error
Karin Dürrwanger
- [Mapserver-users] automatically resize
Eric Bridger
- [Mapserver-users] phpmapscript getShape ???
- [Mapserver-users] Change Output Image Resolution
Stefan Schwarzer
- [Mapserver-users] Layer color for point data
Michael Soracco
- [Mapserver-users] Change Output Image Resolution
Ed McNierney
- AW: [Mapserver-users] automatically resize
Christina Biakowski CCGIS
- [Mapserver-users] Windows instalation...
Denny Morais
- [Mapserver-users] Windows instalation...
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [Mapserver-users] Java API for MapServer (FWD)
- [Mapserver-users] Trouble accessing file in remote storage.
Erich Hennig
- [Mapserver-users] Help using US National Atlas Data
Jonah H. Harris [OASISJET]
- [Mapserver-users] Querypoint
jose.quintal at cfe.gob.mx
- [Mapserver-users] Help using US National Atlas Data
Joe Bussell
- [Mapserver-users] Help using US National Atlas Data
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Help using US National Atlas Data
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] using querymap to send to new page?
Leah Roderman
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver connectivity with Java/Perl
garre at u.washington.edu
- [Mapserver-users] Shaun Kolomeitz is currently on leave
Shaun Kolomeitz
- [Mapserver-users] blank images from mapserv cgi, not php/mapscript, shp2img, etc.
Jerritt Collord
- [Mapserver-users] Change Output Image Resolution
Stefan Schwarzer
- [Mapserver-users] Some info
Alessandro Galasso
- [Mapserver-users] Querypoint
Eric Bridger
- [Mapserver-users] blank images from mapserv cgi, not php/mapscript, shp2img, etc.
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] Scalebar showing wrong units
Michael Härtel
- [Mapserver-users] (Steve) Real coordinates query
Alessandro Galasso
- [Mapserver-users] Scalebar showing wrong units
Thorsten Fischer
- [Mapserver-users] can't install ...still
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver connectivity with Java/Perl
Joe Bussell
- [Mapserver-users] can't install ...still
Joe Bussell
- [Mapserver-users] masking
Aaron D. Hunt
- [Mapserver-users] masking
Norman Vine
- [Mapserver-users] Annotation fails to appear
Dan Liu
- [Mapserver-users] masking
Aaron D. Hunt
- [Mapserver-users] masking
Randy James
- [Mapserver-users] Raster Catalogs
Rosangela Silva
- [Mapserver-users] mapserver postgis query error (explain verbose)
Leah Roderman
- [Mapserver-users] Re: mapserver postgis query error (explain verbose)
David Blasby
- [Mapserver-users] another bug of mapserver 3.7
pond bear
- [Mapserver-users] can't install ...still
Timothy.Mackey at ga.gov.au
- [Mapserver-users] blank images from mapserv cgi, not php/mapscript, shp2img, etc.
Jerritt Collord
- [Mapserver-users] 3.7 nightly and python/mapscript errors
Jerritt Collord
- [Mapserver-users] can't install ...still
- [Mapserver-users] 3.7 nightly and python/mapscript errors
Sean Gillies
- [Mapserver-users] 3.7 nightly and python/mapscript errors
Jerritt Collord
- [Mapserver-users] Java API for MapServer?
- [Mapserver-users] can't install ...still
Vincent Schut
- [Mapserver-users] Tile a map
Sven Jacobi
- [Mapserver-users] mystake in doc??
Alessandro Galasso
- [Mapserver-users] png images is broken in mapserver itasca demo
Sreekanth S Rameshaiah
- [Mapserver-users] Tile a map
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] LABELREQUIRES or REQUIRES
Shannon Scott
- [Mapserver-users] [Fwd: [maplab-users] class and style changes in Mapscript 37]
Dave McIlhagga
- [Mapserver-users] masking
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] another bug of mapserver 3.7
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] 3.7 nightly and python/mapscript errors
Sean Gillies
- [Mapserver-users] masking
Aaron D. Hunt
- [Mapserver-users] linked photos
Kevin Flanders
- [Mapserver-users] predefined bounding boxes
Kevin Flanders
- [Mapserver-users] setprojection, need clarification
Debbie Pagurek
- [Mapserver-users] Phpmapscript as CGI Module
Adam Zornes
- [Mapserver-users] html legends
Kevin Flanders
- [Mapserver-users] MS3.7, WFS, SDE
Geoghegan, Sean
- [Mapserver-users] MS3.7, WFS, SDE
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] generating world files
Heiko.Kehlenbrink at vermes.fh-oldenburg.de
- [Mapserver-users] Phpmapscript as CGI Module
Stephane MOREL
- [Mapserver-users] Re: Mapserver-users digest, Vol 1 #134 - 27 msgs
Rajendra Gupta
- [Mapserver-users] msOCIConnect() in msOracleSpatialLayerOpen(): OracleSpatial error.
nakts at latnet.lv
- [Mapserver-users] Phpmapscript as CGI Module
Jaroslaw Kowalczyk
- [Mapserver-users] WMS server question
Matthew Hatcher
- [Mapserver-users] generating world files
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] Perl MapScript (3.7)
Babak Toloue Tehrani
- [Mapserver-users] width/height properties of legendobj with php
Stefan Schwarzer
- [Mapserver-users] Perl MapScript (3.7)
Lowell Filak
- [Mapserver-users] generating world files
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] width/height properties of legendobj with php
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] generating world files
Lowell Filak
- [Mapserver-users] generating world files
Morten Nielsen
- [Mapserver-users] Oracle Spatial Support
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] PHP-Mapscript with Tomcat
Carsten Heidmann
- [Mapserver-users] width/height properties of legendobj with php
Stefan Schwarzer
- [Mapserver-users] Groups and query modes
Alessandro Galasso
- [Mapserver-users] generating world files
Thorsten Fischer
- [Mapserver-users] esri ascii file support
Gautam Kumar
- [Mapserver-users] how to use WebObj in PHP_mapscript
pond bear
- [Mapserver-users] esri ascii file support
Swaminathan, Gayathri
- [Mapserver-users] esri ascii file support-Correction
Swaminathan, Gayathri
- [Mapserver-users] plotting charts on Maps
Eduardo Patto Kanegae
- [Mapserver-users] msOCIConnect() in msOracleSpatialLayerOpen(): OracleSpatial error.
Timothy.Mackey at ga.gov.au
- [Mapserver-users] RE: Oracle Spatial Support
Timothy.Mackey at ga.gov.au
- [Mapserver-users] how to show big5
Jehng-Jung Kao
- [Mapserver-users] Process Step of Mapserv
Sarawut Ninsawat
- [Mapserver-users] Atlas of Canada - Mapserver or ArcIMS ??
Megan.Watson at ga.gov.au
- [Mapserver-users] RE: Oracle Spatial Support
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] msOCIConnect() in msOracleSpatialLayerOpen(): OracleSpatial error.
nakts at latnet.lv
- [Mapserver-users] RuntimeError: msSearchDiskTree(): Unable to access file.
Sven Jacobi
- [Mapserver-users] RE: Oracle Spatial Support
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] Atlas of Canada - Mapserver or ArcIMS ??
Peter.Bruton at CCRS.NRCan.gc.ca
- [Mapserver-users] Atlas of Canada - Mapserver or ArcIMS ??
Charlton Purvis
- [Mapserver-users] OGR JOINs
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] linked photos
Lowther, David W
- [Mapserver-users] predefined bounding boxes
Lowther, David W
- [Mapserver-users] RuntimeError: msSearchDiskTree(): Unable to access file.
Sean Gillies
- [Mapserver-users] html legends
Lowther, David W
- [Mapserver-users] linked photos
Kevin Flanders
- [Mapserver-users] plotting charts on Maps
Dan Barron
- [Mapserver-users] linked photos
Lowther, David W
- [Mapserver-users] Trouble accessing file in remote storage.
Sean Gillies
- [Mapserver-users] linked photos
Lowther, David W
- [Mapserver-users] linked photos
Lowther, David W
- [Mapserver-users] linked photos
Lowther, David W
- [Mapserver-users] transparent layer example .map request
Charlton Purvis
- [Mapserver-users] transparent layer example .map request
Charlton Purvis
- [Mapserver-users] Mr SID & Mapserver
Jim Burnett
- [Mapserver-users] Mr SID & Mapserver
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] Mr SID & Mapserver
lehrs at erau.edu
- [Mapserver-users] Mr SID & Mapserver
Randy James
- [Mapserver-users] Mr SID & Mapserver
Jim Burnett
- [Mapserver-users] Mr SID & Mapserver
Jim Burnett
- [Mapserver-users] Mr SID & Mapserver
Randy James
- [Mapserver-users] Mr SID & Mapserver
Jim Burnett
- [Mapserver-users] Mr SID & Mapserver
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] Mr SID & Mapserver
Dylan Keon
- [Mapserver-users] how to use WebObj in PHP_mapscript
Debbie Pagurek
- [Mapserver-users] Qyery (FWD)
- [Mapserver-users] Mr SID & Mapserver
Jim Burnett
- [Mapserver-users] map file and XML
Christoph Spoerri
- [Mapserver-users] mouse over or overlib with PHP/Mapscript
Jehng-Jung Kao
- [Mapserver-users] labels on oracle spatial
Heri Noviandi
- [Mapserver-users] Road symbols
Krzysztof Chodak
- [Mapserver-users] Road symbols
Stepan Kafka
- [Mapserver-users] TTC -> TTF tool
Jehng-Jung Kao
- [Mapserver-users] Re: TTC -> TTF tool
Jehng-Jung Kao
- [Mapserver-users] Problem using MapServer(and PHPMapScript) with PostGIS
W. Steph
- [Mapserver-users] Looking for mapserv
Howard Mark
- [Mapserver-users] Re: Qyery
Kari Geurts
- [Mapserver-users] Basic Query Question
Kieran J. Ames
- [Mapserver-users] Basic Query Question
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] 3.7 python/mapscript, styles
Jerritt Collord
- [Mapserver-users] Perl MapScript (3.7)
Babak Toloue Tehrani
- [Mapserver-users] 3.7 python/mapscript, styles
Jerritt Collord
- [Mapserver-users] 3.7 python/mapscript, styles
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Paid Help on Mapping Project...
andrew reberry
- [Mapserver-users] gen2shp + Shape Index query problem + mysql + mapscript
Eduin Yesid Carriillo
- [Mapserver-users] Don Becker/LECD is out of the office.
dbecker at 911.lubbock.tx.us
- [Mapserver-users] mapserver is generating a blank image.....please help
Sreekanth S Rameshaiah
- [Mapserver-users] gen2shp + Shape Index query problem + mysql + mapscript
Eric Bridger
- [Mapserver-users] I need a manual of mapserver
Giovanni Dután Villalta
- [Mapserver-users] SYMBOL TYPE PIXMAP = GIF License?
Shannon Scott
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer compile issue
Tom.Kralidis at CCRS.NRCan.gc.ca
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer compile issue
Joe Bussell
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer compile issue
Tom.Kralidis at CCRS.NRCan.gc.ca
- [Mapserver-users] (Steve) Real coordinates query
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer compile issue
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer compile issue
Tom.Kralidis at CCRS.NRCan.gc.ca
- [Mapserver-users] select region
Gautam Kumar
- [Mapserver-users] phpmapscript getShape ???
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] select region
Grant, Ryan
- [Mapserver-users] (no subject)
Kari Geurts
- AW: [Mapserver-users] Shapefile cut-out
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] Re: I need a manual of mapserver
Eduin Yesid Carriillo
- [Mapserver-users] using data from the submittd form within mapserver.
Sreekanth S Rameshaiah
- [Mapserver-users] Help COLOR_MATCH_THRESHOLD
Hussain, Asghar IWMIPK
- [Mapserver-users] PHP MapScript Win32 with PostGIS
W. Steph
- [Mapserver-users] msOCIConnect() in msOracleSpatialLayerOpen(): OracleSpatial error.
nakts at latnet.lv
- [Mapserver-users] mapserver is generating a blank image.....please help
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] mapserver is generating a blank image.....please help
Sreekanth S Rameshaiah
- [Mapserver-users] class Expression
Eric Bridger
- [Mapserver-users] using data from the submittd form within ma pserver.
Lowther, David W
- [Mapserver-users] predefined bounding boxes
Debbie Pagurek
- [Mapserver-users] New MapServer Group!!!!!!
james khontg
- [Mapserver-users] Perl 5.8 and MS 3.7 (yet another time...)
Gerry Creager N5JXS
- [Mapserver-users] New MapServer Group!!!!!!
Gerry Creager N5JXS
- [Mapserver-users] Help COLOR_MATCH_THRESHOLD
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] New MapServer Group !!!!!!
Braulio M. S.
- [Mapserver-users] New MapServer Group!!!!!!
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] OGC info and subscription imagery
Howard Mark
- [Mapserver-users] what to do w/ ming swf's?
Charlton Purvis
- [Mapserver-users] class Expression
Aaron D. Hunt
- [Mapserver-users] undefined symbol:__gxx_personality_v0
Richard Wang
- [Mapserver-users] Adding Tiffs to Mapserver 3.7
William Taylor
- [Mapserver-users] which ./configure options needed?
Benjamin Thelen
- [Mapserver-users] which ./configure options needed?
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] which ./configure options needed?
Jean-Francois.Doyon at CCRS.NRCan.gc.ca
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer with postgis 0.7.5
Rosangela Silva
- [Mapserver-users] zoom using ROSA
Hurtubise, Yvette
- [Mapserver-users] layer drawing order??
Paul Dymecki
- [Mapserver-users] undefined symbol:__gxx_personality_v0
Jehng-Jung Kao
- [Mapserver-users] New Group MapServer
Braulio M. S.
- [Mapserver-users] layer drawing order??
Eric Bridger
- [Mapserver-users] Help COLOR_MATCH_THRESHOLD
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] jpeg output
Christina Biakowski CCGIS
- [Mapserver-users] Using GetFeatureInfo in Mapserver WMS Client
"Ó Tuama, Éamonn"
- [Mapserver-users] developing user interface
prasad bauchkar
- [Mapserver-users] Help COLOR_MATCH_THRESHOLD
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] developing user interface
Oliver Wesp
- [Mapserver-users] zoom using ROSA
Debbie Pagurek
- [Mapserver-users] layer drawing order??
Paul Dymecki
- [Mapserver-users] 3.7 success
Gerry Creager N5JXS
- [Mapserver-users] jpeg output
Howard Mark
- [Mapserver-users] mapserver using grass raster
Heiko.Kehlenbrink at vermes.fh-oldenburg.de
- Fwd: Re: [Mapserver-users] Perl MapScript (3.7)
Lowell Filak
- [Mapserver-users] Help COLOR_MATCH_THRESHOLD
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] ms 3.7 and Join object
Alessandro Galasso
- [Mapserver-users] mapserver using grass raster
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] Re:zoom using ROSA
Hurtubise, Yvette
- AW: [Mapserver-users] jpeg output
Christina Biakowski CCGIS
- [Mapserver-users] Re:zoom using ROSA
Debbie Pagurek
- AW: [Mapserver-users] jpeg output
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [Mapserver-users] jpeg output
Howard Mark
- [Mapserver-users] GIF animation made simple
Charlton Purvis
- AW: [Mapserver-users] jpeg output
Howard Mark
- [Mapserver-users] Re: [maplab-users] Tutorial Raster Layer Using maplab-2.0-dev20030422 Not rendering
Paul Spencer
- [Mapserver-users] Re: [maplab-users] Tutorial Raster Layer Using maplab-2.0-dev20030422 Not rendering
John Norton
- [Mapserver-users] Can't change map file parameters via a URL by Mapserver 3.7
pond bear
- [Mapserver-users] Re: binaries info
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver and POSTGIS and RASTER layer
Rosangela Silva
- [Mapserver-users] Road symbols
Fawcett, David
- [Mapserver-users] [Fwd: Re: [maplab-users] Tutorial Raster Layer Using maplab-2.0-dev20030422 Not rendering]
Paul Spencer
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver and POSTGIS and RASTER layer
Paul Ramsey
- [Mapserver-users] how to transform between minx miny maxx maxy and minlon minlat maxlon maxlat
pond bear
- [Mapserver-users] Postgis-Mapserver Compilation How to...
Swaminathan, Gayathri
- [Mapserver-users] Where to get the list of Proj.4 keywords?
pond bear
- [Mapserver-users] what to do w/ ming swf's?
Grant, Ryan
- [Mapserver-users] Where to get the list of Proj.4 keywords?
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] developing user interface
- [Mapserver-users] To locate a polygon.
braulioen at ono.com
- AW: AW: [Mapserver-users] jpeg output
Christina Biakowski CCGIS
- [Mapserver-users] undefined symbol:__gxx_personality_v0
Vincent Schut
- [Mapserver-users] Pan option in mapserver(3.6.3) is not working
Hussain, Asghar IWMIPK
- [Mapserver-users] QueryByPoint on PostGIS layer
- [Mapserver-users] Supported GML-Version OGR/MapServer
Christina Biakowski CCGIS
- [Mapserver-users] Can't change map file parameters via a URL by Mapserver 3.7
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] (no subject)
Ian MacColl
- [Mapserver-users] Do NOT use 'make install' with mapserver
Vincent Schut
- [Mapserver-users] limitation to the first 65536 records of a dbase file ?
Nicole Bömeke
- [Mapserver-users] mapserver using grass raster
Heiko.Kehlenbrink at vermes.fh-oldenburg.de
- [Mapserver-users] 3.7: how to fill a queried polyline ?
Alessandro Galasso
- [Mapserver-users] Supported GML-Version OGR/MapServer
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] QueryByPoint on PostGIS layer
Paul Ramsey
- [Mapserver-users] Do NOT use 'make install' with mapserver
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Do NOT use 'make install' with mapserver
Vincent Schut
- [Mapserver-users] FW: Postgis-Mapserver Compilation How to...
Swaminathan, Gayathri
- [Mapserver-users] queryByRect of a PostGIS layer
Charlton Purvis
- [Mapserver-users] queryByRect of a PostGIS layer
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Using GetFeatureInfo in Mapserver WMS Client
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] 3.7 classes guide? was: queryByRect of a PostGIS layer
Charlton Purvis
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer Users meeting - a couple DEADLINES approaching
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver and POSTGIS and RASTER layer
Bob Basques
- [Mapserver-users] 3.7 classes guide? was: queryByRect of a PostGIS layer
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Rendering Raster Layers with Mapscript 3.7 Using OutputFormat
John Norton
- [Mapserver-users] QuerybyPoint no result (Help) PHP/Mapscript
jose.quintal at cfe.gob.mx
- [Mapserver-users] Compiling Postgis with Mapserver
Swaminathan, Gayathri
- [Mapserver-users] Problem with ECW
- [Mapserver-users] Mandrake 9 installation problems
Mark Balman
- [Mapserver-users] Mandrake 9 installation problems
Vincent Schut
- [Mapserver-users] Problem with ECW
Braulio M. S.
- [Mapserver-users] Mandrake 9 mapserver install problems
Mark Balman
- [Mapserver-users] Mandrake 9 mapserver install problems
Vincent Schut
- [Mapserver-users] Mandrake 9 mapserver install problems
Vincent Schut
- [Mapserver-users] Mandrake 9 installation problems
Gerry Creager N5JXS
- [Mapserver-users] which ./configure options needed?
Benjamin Thelen
- [Mapserver-users] Mandrake 9 mapserver install problems
Mark Balman
- [Mapserver-users] Problem with ECW
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] PostGIS subselect & where'd the data go?
Charlton Purvis
- [Mapserver-users] PostGIS subselect & where'd the data go?
Lowther, David W
- [Mapserver-users] perl mapscript : zoom to a point using a scale? --> calculate ext ents??
Pedro Salazar
- [Mapserver-users] Question about <input type="image" name="img" src="[img]">
Richard Kingston
- [Mapserver-users] PostGIS subselect & where'd the data go?
Charlton Purvis
- [Mapserver-users] which ./configure options needed?
Benjamin Thelen
- [Mapserver-users] PostGIS subselect & where'd the data go?
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] which ./configure options needed?
Benjamin Thelen
- [Mapserver-users] PostGIS subselect & where'd the data go?
Charlton Purvis
- [Mapserver-users] PostGIS subselect & where'd the data go?
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] PostGIS subselect & where'd the data go?
Paul Ramsey
- [Mapserver-users] which ./configure options needed?
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] php mapscript installation problem
Hurtubise, Yvette
- [Mapserver-users] rotating symbols
Kevin Flanders
- [Mapserver-users] php mapscript installation problem
Paul Spencer
- [Mapserver-users] Enhancement for tiling files in multiple coordinate systems
Brent Fraser
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver and POSTGIS and RASTER layer
Paul Ramsey
- [Mapserver-users] Enhancement for tiling files in multiple coordinate systems
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Enhancement for tiling files in multiple coordinate systems
Paul Ramsey
- [Mapserver-users] QuerybyPoint no result (Help) PHP/Mapscript
Charlton Purvis
- [Mapserver-users] is it possible to use relative coordinates for inline features?
Jeff Hoffmann
- [Mapserver-users] Enhancement for tiling files in multiple coordinate systems
Brent Fraser
- [Mapserver-users] Enhancement for tiling files in multiple coordinate systems
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Enhancement for tiling files in multiple coordinate systems
Brent Fraser
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver and POSTGIS and RASTER layer
Rosangela Silva
- [Mapserver-users] limitation to the first 65536 records of a dbase file ?
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] How to change band combination by url?
pond bear
- [Mapserver-users] installation problem
sanjay tiwary
- [Mapserver-users] installation problem
sanjay tiwary
- AW: [Mapserver-users] limitation to the first 65536 records ofa dbase file ?
Nicole Bömeke
- [Mapserver-users] Polygon simplification without ESRI genfeat?
Krzysztof Chodak
- [Mapserver-users] Enhancement for tiling files in multiple coordinate systems
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] PostGis problem: postgres 7.3.2 + postgis 7.5
zaltand at iol.it
- [Mapserver-users] setprojection, need clarification
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Mandrake 9 mapserver install problems
Babak Toloue Tehrani
- [Mapserver-users] perl mapscript : zoom to a point using a scale? --> calculate ext ents??
Babak Toloue Tehrani
- [Mapserver-users] installation problem
Babak Toloue Tehrani
- [Mapserver-users] marginally OT: shapefile to WKB tool?
- [Mapserver-users] Rosa applet query
prasad bauchkar
- [Mapserver-users] Multidimensional databases
Morten Nielsen
- [Mapserver-users] installation
sanjay tiwary
- [Mapserver-users] installation
Paul Spencer
- [Mapserver-users] installation
sanjay tiwary
- [Mapserver-users] installation
sanjay tiwary
- [Mapserver-users] Multidimensional databases
Paul Ramsey
- [Mapserver-users] linking attributes to the map file
prasad bauchkar
- [Mapserver-users] Mandrake 9 mapserver install problems
Vincent Schut
- [Mapserver-users] limitation to the first 65536 records ofa dbase file ?
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] set filter with cgi
babak.tehrani at geosysnet.de
- [Mapserver-users] How to do an Arrow-Symbol
Björn Platzen
- [Mapserver-users] (no subject)
Braulio M. S.
- [Mapserver-users] (no subject)
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] How to do an Arrow-Symbol
Michael Schulz
- [Mapserver-users] mapserver 3.7 on RedHat 7.3
Arthur, John
- [Mapserver-users] Question about <input type="image" name="img" src="[img]">
Eric Bridger
- [Mapserver-users] #features for layer in php/mapscript?
Vincent Schut
- [Mapserver-users] #features for layer in php/mapscript?
Vincent Schut
- [Mapserver-users] How to change band combination by url?
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] DBF Leading Spaces
Shannon Scott
- [Mapserver-users] DBF Leading Spaces
Steve Lime
- Fw: [Mapserver-users] set filter with cgi
Alessandro Galasso
- [Mapserver-users] How to change band combination by url?
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] How to change band combination by url?
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] rotating symbols
Brent Fraser
- [Mapserver-users] png encoding problem
Gautam Kumar
- [Mapserver-users] correction
Gautam Kumar
- [Mapserver-users] WMS support when building mapserver with VC++6.0
Swaminathan, Gayathri
- [Mapserver-users] #features for layer in php/mapscript?
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] Polygon simplification without ESRI genfeat?
Steve Lime
- Fw: [Mapserver-users] set filter with cgi
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] is it possible to use relative coordinates for inline features?
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] #features for layer in php/mapscript?
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] #features for layer in php/mapscript?
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] (no subject)
sanjay tiwary
- [Mapserver-users] demo-problem
sanjay tiwary
- [Mapserver-users] Re: Problem with ECW
Braulio M. S.
- [Mapserver-users] GTiff/RGB-Output resulting in yellow image
Oliver Wesp
- [Mapserver-users] classifying raster maps with more than 50 classes
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] GTiff/RGB-Output resulting in yellow image
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] Thanx
sanjay tiwary
- [Mapserver-users] GTiff/RGB-Output resulting in yellow image
Oliver Wesp
- [Mapserver-users] extent of expression
Aaron D. Hunt
- [Mapserver-users] Re: Problem with ECW
Swaminathan, Gayathri
- [Mapserver-users] RedHat 9.0 Compile
- [Mapserver-users] which ./configure options needed?
Benjamin Thelen
- [Mapserver-users] Compiling stops: cannto find -lPDF
Benjamin Thelen
- [Mapserver-users] Compiling stops: cannto find -lPDF
- [Mapserver-users] RedHat 9.0 Compile
Richard Greenwood
- [Mapserver-users] classifying raster maps with more than 50 classes
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] RedHat 9.0 Compile
Vincent Schut
- [Mapserver-users] RedHat 9.0 Compile * FIXED *
- [Mapserver-users] GTiff/RGB-Output resulting in yellow image
Randy James
- [Mapserver-users] WMS questions
Michael Anderson
- [Mapserver-users] WMS questions
Alessandro Galasso
- [Mapserver-users] WMS questions
Alessandro Galasso
- [Mapserver-users] DBF Leading Spaces
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] WMS questions
Michael Anderson
- [Mapserver-users] what to do w/ ming swf's?
Arthur, John
- [Mapserver-users] what to do w/ ming swf's?
Charlton Purvis
- [Mapserver-users] WMS questions
Brian Fischer
- [Mapserver-users] what to do w/ ming swf's?
Grant, Ryan
- [Mapserver-users] WMS questions
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] extent of expression
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] WMS-Mapserver Compile...
Swaminathan, Gayathri
- [Mapserver-users] Compiling stops: cannto find -lPDF
Steve Lime
- AW: [Mapserver-users] WMS questions
Arnulf Christl CCGIS
- [Mapserver-users] set Filter with phpMapscript
babak.tehrani at geosysnet.de
- [Mapserver-users] what to do w/ ming swf's?
Vincent Schut
- [Mapserver-users] LABEL and MYSQL
bpicinbono at worldonline.fr
- [Mapserver-users] Mandrake 9 installation
Mark Balman
- [Mapserver-users] not all labels get rendered
Vincent Schut
- [Mapserver-users] Compiling stops: cannto find -lPDF
Benjamin Thelen
- [Mapserver-users] Re: [maplab-users] ::: Help to obtain tif :::
Paul Spencer
- [Mapserver-users] shape file of the oceans
Aaron D. Hunt
- [Mapserver-users] shape file of the oceans
Swaminathan, Gayathri
- AW: [Mapserver-users] WMS questions
Michael Anderson
- [Mapserver-users] World file
Marco Ferrari
- [Mapserver-users] set Filter with phpMapscript
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Shape files-Novice
sanjay tiwary
- [Mapserver-users] How can i switch layers on/off with PHP mapscript?
Michael Härtel
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer and esri SDE (FWD)
- [Mapserver-users] LABEL and MYSQL
Dan Barron
- [Mapserver-users] Shape files-Novice
Björn Platzen
- [Mapserver-users] Java Exception - java.lang ClassNotFound
Eric Bridger
- [Mapserver-users] Shape files-Novice
Kieran J. Ames
- [Mapserver-users] World file
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] Querybypoint no results
jose.quintal at cfe.gob.mx
- [Mapserver-users] Polygons in shape files.
Gardner Lloyd Bickford III
- [Mapserver-users] Polygons in shape files.
Randy James
- [Mapserver-users] Java Exception - java.lang ClassNotFound
Hurtubise, Yvette
- [Mapserver-users] how to creat a reference map for a image.
pond bear
- [Mapserver-users] Re: Java Exception - java.lang ClassNotFound
Hurtubise, Yvette
- [Mapserver-users] LABEL and MYSQL
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] Using Mapserver with other CGI programs
Gautam Kumar
- [Mapserver-users] how to define this datum?
pond bear
- [Mapserver-users] Projection on the Fly Problems
John Norton
- [Mapserver-users] Projection on the Fly Problems
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] PERL mapscript undefined symbol woes
Joe Bussell
- [Mapserver-users] Projection on the Fly Problems
John Norton
- [Mapserver-users] Non-Rectangular Tiles in TILEINDEX ?
Bruce, Bob CON
- [Mapserver-users] line size
Andrés Collao
- [Mapserver-users] Projection on the Fly Problems
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Non-Rectangular Tiles in TILEINDEX ?
Ed McNierney
Last message date:
Wed Apr 30 17:26:21 PDT 2003
Archived on: Mon Oct 7 06:02:17 PDT 2024
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