[Mapserver-users] mouse over or overlib with PHP/Mapscript
Jehng-Jung Kao
jjkao at ensys.ev.nctu.edu.tw
Thu Apr 17 19:32:14 PDT 2003
Hi List,
I would like to use the map created by PHP/Mapscript
to response onMouseOver functions (show a popup window),
or combined with the Overlib package.
Is it possible to do so? Any instruction will be very much appreciated.
| Jehng-Jung Kao, Professor Email: jjkao at ensys.ev.nctu.edu.tw
| Inst. of Environ. Engrg. Tel/Fax: +886-3-5731869/5731759
| National Chiao Tung Univ., 75 Po-Ai St., Hsinchu, Taiwan 30090, ROC.
| http://green.ev.nctu.edu.tw/~jjkao
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