[Mapserver-users] PHP problem

Jehng-Jung Kao jjkao at ensys.ev.nctu.edu.tw
Wed Apr 9 07:58:11 PDT 2003


I successfully installed 
   (--with-regex=system; actually, this option does 
   not work with apache-1.3.27, it will automatically change it
   back to 'php' with this option.  
   I finally get it working by editing the 'configure' file 
   to force it use 'system.')

  cp php_mapscript.so to php extensions directory 

on RedHat linux 8.0.

But while I try to (from a IE browser) execute a php file with this command:

 if(! dl('php_mapscript.so')) { die ('Not loaded\n');}

it does not work. (with an error message 
    "...cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory...")

However, when I execute the php file locally on my linux, it works,
  'php_mapscript.so' is loaded.

Also, I notice that while I execute the php file on IE,
  the /usr/local/lib/php.ini was not loaded, although phpinfo() shows
  the correct configure file path to "/usr/local/lib."
  (quite strange to me.)

Any hint/instruction for resolving this problem will be very much 

Jehng-Jung Kao

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