AW: [Mapserver-users] WMS questions
Arnulf Christl CCGIS
arnulf.christl at
Tue Apr 29 23:55:48 PDT 2003
check for the WMTVER tag - thats the version of WMS used. In our case we
have to set it to 1.0.0 because our client will not handle version 1.1.0
which is what MapServer currently returns by default.
Check out these URLS; this one does not return an XML that can be displayed
in IE (shows the download dialog):
This returns an XML which can be displayed directly:
Regards, Arnulf.
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: mapserver-users-admin at
[mailto:mapserver-users-admin at]Im Auftrag von Michael
Gesendet: Dienstag, 29. April 2003 20:28
An: agalasso at; Mapserver-users at
Betreff: Re: [Mapserver-users] WMS questions
Thanks for the responses, but I think there are other problems. I think this
about the header problem for three reasons:
1. It works with 3.6.0, but maybe there was a change with 3.6.3
2. I can send a GetCapabilites request to an ArcIMS server using the WMS
connector and the browser displays it. I think the MIME type for it's
response is application/ as well.
3. I have the same problem with the gif, png, or jpg images returned from a
GetMap request
About the WMS client problem, I do have the projection defined at the map
level in both map files, in the layer in both map files, and as the
"wms_srs" metadata tag in the web object of both map files, even though all
the data is in the same projection: EPSG:26918. I tried it without defining
the projection too since they are all the same, but I get the same error.
Michael Anderson
Spatial Information Technologies, Inc.
>From: "Alessandro Galasso" <agalasso at>
>To: "Michael Anderson" <m_anderson14 at>
>CC: <Mapserver-users at>
>Subject: Re: [Mapserver-users] WMS questions
>Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2003 19:00:25 +0200
>The first problem arise because the MIME type is
>application/ Likely the browser doesn't know it.
>It is not an error... is the norm.
>Alessandro Galasso
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Michael Anderson" <m_anderson14 at>
>To: <mapserver-users at>
>Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2003 6:40 PM
>Subject: [Mapserver-users] WMS questions
> > Hello,
> >
> > I have two problems. First, when I make GetCapabilities and GetMap
> > to a WMS server using 3.6.3, something is wrong with the response
> > My browser won't display the xml or the image, it asks me to select a
> > program to open them with. When I open them they are correct. I have
> > on my system as well and it works fine. I'm running it under Apache on
> > Windows XP. I have 3.6.3 running on a Linux box as well and have the
> > problem.
> >
> > The second problem is related to setting up MapServer as a WMS client. I
> > added one layer with the WMS connection type, but when I try to render
> > layer I get this error message:
> >
> > msProcessProjection(): Projection library error. no options found in
> > file
> >
> > What is the init file it's referring to and what is it supposed to
> > The only references to an init file I could find in the archives were
> > demo_init.html.
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > Mike
> >
> >
> >
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