[Mapserver-users] Annotation fails to appear

Dan Liu dan.liu at mnplan.state.mn.us
Mon Apr 14 11:48:51 PDT 2003

Hi all,
I have the annotation layer in PHP/mapscript but it does not show on the map.
Anybody knows what is wrong?
  $Layer = ms_newLayerObj($map);
  $Layer -> set("name","city_name");
  $Layer -> set("status", MS_ON);
  $Layer -> set("type", MS_LAYER_ANNOTATION);
  $Layer -> set("data","mcd90py2");
  $Layer -> set("classitem", "CITY_NAME");
  $Layer -> set("labelitem", "CITY_NAME");
  $Layer -> {annotate} = 1;
  $LabelClass = ms_newClassObj($Layer);
  $LabelClass -> {color} = $Color1;
  $LabelClass -> {label} -> {size} = MS_GIANT;
  $LabelClass -> {label} -> {type} = MS_TRUETYPE;
  $LabelClass -> {label} -> {position} = MS_CC;
  $LabelClass -> {label} -> {color} = $map->addColor(0,0,0);
  $LabelClass -> {label} -> {outlinecolor} = $map->addColor(199,216,252);

Dan Liu
MN Land Management Information Center
658 Cedar Street
Saint Paul, MN 55155
(651) 483-2324 [phone]
(651) 296-1212 [fax]
dan.liu at state.mn.us

On April 23 the Land Management Information Center will be transferred from Minnesota Planning to the Minnesota Department of Administration.  LMIC will continue to be located in our current location and offer the same quality GIS services that our clients have learned to expect.

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