[Mapserver-users] how to show big5

Jehng-Jung Kao jjkao at ensys.ev.nctu.edu.tw
Wed Apr 16 18:02:31 PDT 2003

On Thu, 10 Apr 2003, Zhou Xu wrote:

> It depends on how you use it. if you want to convert the strings on-line, please refer to the attached files; If the strings is stored in database, you may use some other utitlities to convert it, for example MS.Notepad and so on.

Thank you for your answer and files.
I actually find the other solution.  

For your reference,
  I use "iconv" on RedHat and re-compile php to support iconv.
  Then, the functions provided by iconv can easily convert
  big5 -> utf8.

Jehng-Jung Kao

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