[Mapserver-users] extent of expression

Steve Lime steve.lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Tue Apr 29 12:39:43 PDT 2003

You'd have to do an attribute query to get that information. I believe
each layer's
result set contains an extent variable.


>>> "Aaron D. Hunt" <hunt at zedxinc.com> 04/29/03 09:20AM >>>
I am setting a expression using mapscript

$exp = ('[STATE_FIPS]' eq '42' or '[STATE_FIPS]' eq '34') ;

$layer_states = $map->getLayerByName('STATE');
$class_state = $layer_states->getClass(0); 
$class_state->setExpression($exp) ;

Is there a way to find the extent of the expression so the script can
auto zoom in the area?

Aaron D. Hunt

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