[Mapserver-users] PHP Experiences

Jehng-Jung Kao jjkao at ensys.ev.nctu.edu.tw
Wed Apr 9 10:45:43 PDT 2003

Many thanks to Daniel Morissette.
I just successfully installed php/mapscript.
The speed is however not great for executing example1.php/example2.php
provided in the tutorial, while compared with the demo provided.

Is this true?  The php/mapscript option is significantly slower than
calling cgi/mapserv directly.

Or is there any way to speed up mapserver with some DHTML tools?

I am thinking to use the original php without mapscript and still 
call directly to mapscript for cgi-bin connection.

Or should I try the MApplet or Javascript option?  
(I prefer php because it takes less time in programming.)

Jehng-Jung Kao

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