[Mapserver-users] Mapserver and POSTGIS and RASTER layer

Paul Ramsey pramsey at refractions.net
Wed Apr 23 12:33:35 PDT 2003

No, it's not possible with the current PostGIS and Mapserver. Your 
description is a very good "use case" for how such a functionality might 
be made to work. Would you like to fund the R&D to make it possible? If 
others are also interested in this capability, a jointly funded 
development project could share the expense of adding the new capability 
to PostGIS and Mapserver.

Rosangela Silva wrote:
> Hello,
> I'd like to use mapserver with posgis for manipulate raster data
> and I'd like to know if is possible to do this:
> - pass a variable to a MAP FILE (in execution time) into a SQL SELECT
> - mosaic some blobs resultant of an SQL SELECT
> Something like this:
>  LAYER #Raster
>    NAME "sp_images"
>    CONNECTION "user=postgresql password="" dbname=gisdb host=localhost"
> =>>>   DATA " SELECT data from sp_image where sp_image.the_geom && EXTEND "
>         OFFSITE 0
>   END
> " SELECT data from sp_image where sp_image.the_geom && EXTEND "
> data is of blob type and the select probably result a number of
> blobs registers. I'd like to mosaic this blobs and form an raster layer
> on execution time. The EXTEND is a variable passed in execution time
> with MapServer extend box request.
> Is it possible??
> Thanks in advance,
> Rosangela.

      | Paul Ramsey
      | Refractions Research
      | Email: pramsey at refractions.net
      | Phone: (250) 885-0632

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