[Mapserver-users] undefined symbol:__gxx_personality_v0

Richard Wang richard at cwincom.com
Tue Apr 22 09:41:48 PDT 2003

Hi, All

I am setting up mapserver on a RedHat 8.0 box.  Apache
version is 1.3.27 and PHP is 4.3.1. I am getting a
compile error when I make MapScript 3.6.5:
undefined reference to:__gxx_personality_v0.

So, I changed makefile like this:

This time I can run makefile and got php_mapscript.so.
However, after I copy php_mapscript.so to php
extensions and try testing phpinfo_mapscirpt.phtml, I
got following error message:
Warning: dl() [function.dl]: Unable to load dynamic
undefined symbol: __gxx_personality_v0 in
/usr/local/apache/htdocs/phpinfo_mapscript.phtml on
line 21.

Does anyone have any solutions for this problem?

By the way, what are the best combinations of RedHat,
Apache, Mapscript and PHP versions?

Thanks in Advanec!


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