[Mapserver-users] which ./configure options needed?

Jean-Francois.Doyon at CCRS.NRCan.gc.ca Jean-Francois.Doyon at CCRS.NRCan.gc.ca
Tue Apr 22 12:39:38 PDT 2003


Well, the configure does attempt to detect many libraries, namely GD,
assuming you want to use the system's GD.

The options you listed will give you a WMS Client capable MapServer, along
with many other features (Reprojection, improved raster support, etc ...).

If in doubt as to the path to the libraries, on linux, you would build the
code, and install the libraries onto the system.  Normally, if you install
the libraries (such as OGR/GDAL) onto the system a simple --with-ogr and
--with-gdal will work, no need to feed it a path, configure will find what
it needs.

Basically, if you "make install" all the libs, you should be good to go with
no paths to specify to mapserver. I haven't played with FreeBSD in years,
but I suspect the same rules apply?

This only gets more complicated if you DON'T want to install the libraries
system wide, and then have to worry about include,lib, and ld paths ... But
that's another story :)

In your example, you've got it right ... you could actually NOT put any
paths anywhere except for PHP maybe, and that should still work fine (looks
like you did a system install of the software and libs).  Yes, normally
libjpeg and zlib are detected automagically, as is libfreetype (though you
may have to play with this depending on the version of freetype you have, or
if you have both).

Give that a try. If you have problems, post the output of the configure
script and maybe we can help.


-----Original Message-----
From: Benjamin Thelen [mailto:benjamin.thelen at ccgis.de]
Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2003 3:14 PM
To: mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
Subject: [Mapserver-users] which ./configure options needed?


I would like to use mapserver with postgis 0.4.7 on FreeBSD 4.7. I have
installed the neccessary Software:

GD2 (from FreeBSD Ports-Collection)
PROJ4 (	"	)
LibWWW (	"	)
FreeType Version 2 (	"	)
GDAL 1.1.8 (	"	)
pgsql 7.3.2 (	"	)

postgis 0.7.4 (from tar.gz)

What I couldn't install seperately was OGR, but as I could read on
http://gdal.velocet.ca/projects/opengis/ that OGR is part of the GDAL
library, I think that's it.

I would like to start compiling, but I am quite unsure what options for the
configure-skript I have to take, because it is written in the mapserver
documentation that "Some libraries will NEVER be detected by default, and
HAVE to be specified via the configure script". That would mean to me that I
only have to take those options
--with-proj, --with-ogr, --with-gdal, --with-wmsclient (I don't need mpatrol
and sde), which are never detected and the rest will be detected
automatically. But somehow I think, I am wrong ;-)!

If ogr is part of gdal, why do I have to specify ogr seperately? I don't
know how to specify the correct path to the installed software because,
there are so many libraries installed with the software. If I had a specific
file I would have to specify, no problem, but application path...?

Do I have to specify the following two?
 --with-postgis	(automatically detected?)
 --with-php		(automatically detected?)

I would try the following:

 --with-gd=/usr/local/share/locale/l10n	(not sure)
 --with-proj=/usr/local/bin/			(quite sure)
 --with-ogr= ?? 					(see above !!)
 --with-gdal=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config 	(sure)
 --with-php=/usr/local/bin/php		(sure)
 --with-wmsclient					(sure)
 --enable-runpath	(sure, but what about the additional options)
 --with-postgis=/usr/local/bin/pg_config	(sure)

I am definitely not sure, whether to specify the following:

 --with-jpeg[=DIR]	(not neccessary because auf GD2?)
 --with-zlib		(automatically detected?)
 --with-freetype		(automatically detected?)

Can anybody help?

Thanks very much!

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