[Mapserver-users] Trouble accessing file in remote storage.

Sean Gillies sgillies at frii.com
Thu Apr 17 07:18:03 PDT 2003

Hi Erich,

MapServer accesses the shapefile (in your case) data for a layer by 
good old fopen().  If you can access a virtual directory path on Win32
using fopen(), then the answer might be yes.  IIRC rasters are also
accessed using fopen().  There may be potential to replace calls to
fopen() with calls to some M$-specific file open function, but I'm
enough of a Win32 expert to say.  At any case, it would be substantial
piece of work.

The closest thing to layer data access via URL with MapServer is to use
a WMS client connection.  Have your maximum security MapServer fetch
imagery through a WMS connection to another less restricted MapServer.


On Friday, April 11, 2003, at 12:19  PM, Erich Hennig wrote:

> I have a mapserver app running under IIS5.0.  I am trying to open a 
> file located on a remote host by using an open function and providing 
> a path name as the argument.  As I have IIS locked down as tight as I 
> can, I cannot access files outside of my wwwroot directory.
> Is there any way to access these files through a virtual directory 
> path, or is there a method where I can pass a URL to mapserver?
> Thanks-
> Erich Hennig
Sean Gillies
sgillies at frii.com

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