[Mapserver-users] Anyone used latest cvs?

Daniel Morissette morissette at dmsolutions.ca
Mon Apr 7 17:49:35 PDT 2003

Tyler Mitchell wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to track down some problems I'm having.  Has anyone else
> download from cvs in the last day and got things working okay (particularly
> with curl)?

Hi Tyler,

I built MapServer from the latest 3.7 CVS using both libcurl 7.10.4 and
7.10.2 and it works fine for me.

With respect to the problems with curl_multi_info_read that you reported
in another thread, I would suggest that you check on your system and
make sure that you don't have two copies of libcurl.so.2 (i.e. one in
/usr/lib and one in /usr/local/lib), if you do then make sure you remove
the older one (which is quite likely coming from a RedHat RPM).  FYI, I
remember running into some odd problems in the past after upgrading curl
7.x on RH systems because the library is called libcurl.so.2 in both the
old (RPM) version and in the new compiled (7.10.x) version.  I'm ashamed
to have to say that in this case it seemed that rebooting the Linux
machine was the only way to force it to see the newer version of the
libary after the RPM was removed.

 Daniel Morissette               morissette at dmsolutions.ca
 DM Solutions Group              http://www.dmsolutions.ca/

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