[Mapserver-users] mapserver is generating a blank image.....please help

Sreekanth S Rameshaiah sree at mahiti.org
Mon Apr 21 00:12:18 PDT 2003

Dear friends,
Have installed mapserver over the weekend on my linux system. The demo
files and the tutorial shp files are working correctly and images are
getting generated. However when I use my town shape files mapserver
generates a blank image.
I do not know how to debug/ interpret this. Please help.
My town shape file can be downloaded from

Basically this map file has only one layer and contains demarketed
areas. I would like to select areas based on id such as id <=10.

Thanks in advance.
 - sree

Sreekanth S Rameshaiah
Mahiti Infotech Pvt. Ltd.
Bangalore - 560071
Ph: +9180 51150 580/1/2/3
Visit www.mahiti.org 

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