[Mapserver-users] what to do w/ ming swf's?
Grant, Ryan
rgrant at nrcan.gc.ca
Tue Apr 29 12:00:05 PDT 2003
As far as I know, there is no way to make ActionScript calls from php.
So calls such as the one that I used are contained written using the
Macromedia Flash author product. The project files are .fla, which publish
to .swf. I'm not currently aware of any free tools that let you work with
.fla files.
To John Arthur:
I haven't experimented with any layers containing labels yet, but that's
next on my list of things to try
Ryan Grant
-----Original Message-----
From: Charlton Purvis [mailto:cpurvis at asg.sc.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2003 11:44 AM
To: Grant, Ryan
Cc: Mapserver Users (E-mail)
Subject: RE: [Mapserver-users] what to do w/ ming swf's?
Thanks for your help, Grant. But I'm afraid that I'm still in the dark.
I'd like to play w/ flash a bit more even though I'm pretty happy w/
animated .gif's.
But I'm missing how my .php and ActionScript are linked. First of all,
it's not free, is it? I'd like to think that I could make ActionScript
calls from w/i my .php, but that ain't so, is it?
So where and in what type of file are calls like
var mapName = _level10.mapObj.name;
Thanks again.
-----Original Message-----
From: Grant, Ryan [mailto:rgrant at nrcan.gc.ca]
Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2003 7:08 PM
To: Charlton Purvis
Cc: Mapserver Users (E-mail)
Subject: RE: [Mapserver-users] what to do w/ ming swf's?
Hey Charlton,
I've been working a little with swf output, so I'll do my best to share
I know. The ####.swf that you refer too is indeed a control file.
it does not start an animation, it simple contains some actionscript
holds info about your returned layers (the *_layer_*.swf's).
For instance, you would load the first swf file into your timeline:
Once it is loaded, there will now be an object named mapObj that
info, such as the name, width, etc. You can get access to these
var mapName = _level10.mapObj.name;
It also contains an array of the returned layers. These layers
have properties such as name, relative name, etc. You can also access
var layerName0 = _level10.mapObj.layers[0].name;
Using the "relativeName" property of the layer, you can load the layers
movieclips on your timeline:
Once you have all the layers loaded into seperate movie clips, you
should be
able to have some animations run.
I hope this helps clear things up a little.. feel free to contact me
more info.
Ryan Grant
rgrant at nrcan.gc.ca
-----Original Message-----
From: Charlton Purvis [mailto:cpurvis at asg.sc.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2003 8:15 AM
To: mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
Subject: [Mapserver-users] what to do w/ ming swf's?
Hi, folks:
I'm moving into new territory (for me) w/ animation, and I can't wrap my
hands around exactly what the resulting .swf's are.
I have two layers in my .map file: one is a raster of elevations, and
the other is are bathymetry lines (LINE). When I plug in the following
to my .map file:
NAME swf
MIMETYPE "application/x-shockwave-flash"
I end up w/ three .swf's in my tmp directory.
1051023629262321.swf 22-Apr-2003 11:11 1k
1051023629262321_layer_0.swf 22-Apr-2003 11:11 78k
1051023629262321_layer_1.swf 22-Apr-2003 11:11 96k
The *_layer_*.swf's are what I would expect, but I thought that the
####.swf would be something like a control file: click on that, and
away the animation would go (from layer_0 to layer_1). Yes, this is a
bad example, but it seemed simple, in theory. But if I click on it, it
produces a blank screen (no errors -- just a blank screen that opens in
a flash player).
Along those same lines, since I want to end up w/ an animation (layer_0,
pause, layer_1, repeat), am I going about it correctly? Am I
misunderstanding what the ####.swf does and/or can I peek at the
####.swf's contents somehow?
I've used
http://www2.dmsolutions.ca/mapserver/dl/FlashMapserverUserDoc.html as a
guide. Everything works -- I just want to understand what I've got!
Charlton Purvis
(803) 777-8858 : voice
(803) 777-8833 : fax
cpurvis at sc.edu
Advanced Solutions Group
Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC 29208
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