[Mapserver-users] MapScript examples

Tyler Mitchell TMitchell at lignum.com
Tue Apr 1 13:06:29 PST 2003

It should probably be noted that the PerlMapScriptExamples are for version
3.5 and will produce errors on newer versions.  However, with minor changes
to the code it can run on other versions as well.


                      "Lowell Filak"                                                                             
                      <lfilak at medinaco.org>               To:       "Adam Zornes" <zornes at athenic.com>,          
                      Sent by:                             <mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu>                   
                      mapserver-users-admin at lists.        cc:                                                    
                      gis.umn.edu                         Fax to:                                                
                                                          Subject:  Re: [Mapserver-users] MapScript examples     
                      04/01/2003 12:40 PM                                                                        

Hopefully this can help:
Lowell F.

The following message was sent by "Adam Zornes" <zornes at athenic.com> on
Tue, 1 Apr 2003 14:37:18 -0500.

> Dear All,
>             I am quite new to the MapServer world and am finding
> examples of MapScript source codes very hard to find.  I have searched
> through the archives and found finished examples, but not the guts
> behind them.
> I was wondering if anyone knew where I might find some.
>             Also, does anyone have any strong opinions on which
> scripting language is better for connecting to a database and creating
> shapefiles dynamically?  I have little experience with any of them, and
> so was curious what the advantages/disadvantages were.
> Cheers,
> Adam Zornes
> Athenic Systems
> Lexington, KY

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