[Mapserver-users] Where are legend, reference and .qy images stored?

Paul Peterson pwpeterson at iesc.net
Mon Apr 7 08:22:24 PDT 2003

Rich, Thank you for your response

I should have been more specific...

My .map file is in /var/www/html/tutorial/s3/
IMAGEPATH "../../tmp/"
IMAGEURL "/tmp/"

Apache server html from /var/www/html

I give the tmp directory +777 permission which is drwxrwxrwx.

All the images should be placed in /var/www/html/tmp, however, only the map
image is.  I found the others (ref, leg and .qy) in /var/tmp!

I add a tmp directory (/var/www/html/tutorial/s3/tmp) and made these changes
IMAGEURL "/tutorial35/s3/tmp/"

Again, the only image that shows up there is the map image and I can't find
the others anywhere.

Is this a bug with 3.7?


Rich's response:

The images for the map, reference map, legend, and query files will all be
saved to the IMAGEPATH directory, which is relative to the .map file. So in
your case it looks like your map file is in /var/www/html/tutorial35 and
../../tmp/ would put you at /var/tmp/. Is your webserver aliasing /tmp to
/var/tmp/? Check the time stamps on the files in /var/www/html/tmp. Try
seleting everything in both /var/tmp/ and  /var/www/html/tmp and then hit
mapserver and see where the images files appear, because what you describe
below does not quite make sense.


At 06:02 PM 4/6/2003 -0500, you wrote:

>Hello all.
>I wrote yesterday regarding a problem with my legends and reference images
>not showing up.  Does MapServer (3.7) store all generated images in the the
>same tmp directory.  I am testing out the Tutorial35 demo app and it is
>located at /var/www/html/tutorial35.  I have a tmp directory
>/var/www/html/tmp where only the map png files are showing up.  I was
>out the cashed query and discovered that the legend, reference and *.qy
>files where being stored in /var/tmp.
>Where in the map file does the directory for the legend, reference and .qy
>files get set?  If MapServer is smart enough to store these files there why
>isn't it smart enough to download them from there as well?
>A snippet of the map file follows:
>EXTENT -97.5 41.619778 -82.122902 49.38562
>SIZE 400 300
>SHAPEPATH "../data"
>FONTSET "../fonts/fonts.list"
>SYMBOLSET "../symbols/symbols35.sym"
>   HEADER header.html
>   TEMPLATE s3ex4.html
>   FOOTER footer.html
>   IMAGEPATH "../../tmp/"
>   IMAGEURL "/tmp/"
>   LOG /var/www/html/mapserver.log
>Again the IMAGEPATH and IMAGEURL as defined above work for the map png, but
>not the legend, reference ro .qy files.
>Any ideas what I am doing wrong?
>Paul Peterson
>Mapserver-users mailing list
>Mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu

Richard W. Greenwood, PLS
(307) 733-0203
Rich at GreenwoodMap.com

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