[Mapserver-users] once again compiling with TTF-Support

Bjoern Platzen bplatzen at sosnetz.de
Mon Apr 7 08:04:18 PDT 2003

Hi all,

I'm fighting with the TTF-Support for MapServer 3.6.4.
I'm using Freetype 2.1.4rc2, a patched gd 2.0.7 on a SuSE Linux 8.0 Box.

I compiled the GD and it said:
** Configuration summary for gd 2.0.7:

   Support for PNG library:          yes
   Support for JPEG library:         yes
   Support for Freetype 2.x library: yes
   Support for Xpm library:          yes

Then I compiled the MapServer and it said

Now it seemed to me as if everything should be right, but it isn't! The 
CGI-Output still tells me:
loadlabel(): Unknown identifier. Keyword FONT is not valid without 
TrueType font support.

Is there anything else, that I forgot??

Any help would be really great...

Thanks in advance,

small office solutions
info at sosnetz.de  -  http://www.sosnetz.de

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