[Mapserver-users] how to start

Tyler Mitchell TMitchell at lignum.com
Wed Apr 9 16:25:06 PDT 2003

Do you have the spatial add-on for Oracle?
What kinds of spatial data do you already have/use?
Are you going to be using Microsoft's web server on the XP machine, or will
you be looking at using Apache instead?
Do you already have a site running with cold fusion schtuff?


|         |           "utaitip"                   |
|         |           <utaitip at hotmail.com>       |
|         |           Sent by:                    |
|         |           mapserver-users-admin at lists.|
|         |           gis.umn.edu                 |
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|         |                                       |
|         |           04/09/2003 01:58 AM         |
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  |       To:       <mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu>                                                                          |
  |       cc:       <utaitip at hotmail.com>                                                                                        |
  |       Fax to:                                                                                                                |
  |       Subject:  [Mapserver-users] how to start                                                                               |

Hi I am a beginner of Mapserver and I search at google and found you
I have an oracle server on a windows XP server machine and I use mapserver
too .

Where Do I start?

What formats of maps should I use?
How do I load them into Oracle?
How do I access them form MapServer?
How do serve them to the WEB with CF?

If you know  or have tutorial ? please send to me at utaitip at hotmail.com

Thank you very much

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