[Mapserver-users] User control

Eduardo Spremolla edspremolla at Antel.com.uy
Thu Apr 10 08:53:45 PDT 2003

I have do it before with the Apache redirect module.

you set up a second url for /cgi-bin/ lets sai /cgi-priv/  and set basic
auth in it.

then you use redirect to find the name of the non public layers and
redirect the recuest to /cgi-priv/.

you can use wild chard in the redirect expression, it is way to cool.


El jue, 10 de 04 de 2003 a las 10:57, Petur Kirke escribió:
> We are building a WMS Service, and we want to control the access, that the
> users will get. Some users should only see some layers, and a part of the
> map area.
> I am wondering how others are implementing access control of this kind ? I
> would be greatful for some information.
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