[Mapserver-users] Need Info and Help for a first test

harato harato_1 at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 7 06:15:44 PDT 2003

[English is not my natural language...]

(Mapserver 4.0b or MapServer 3.6 under Win98/Win2K)

Hi All,

I just want to display a layer and I have 3 files
(dept.dbf/dept.shp/dept.shx). It's an ESRI file

I've try to display the layer using the demo of Itasca
but nothing is displayed.

So I want to know If it's not a problem of OGR format
or what's the problem ?

Can I display my layer with my shape (Arcview)
directly using this web interface (and change some
name...) to display something ?

MapServer 4.0b or MapServer 3.6 (under Windows) can
support OGR ? is it an OGR problem ?

(I'm a total beginner/newbie - My Knowledge of OGR is
really bad !)

Please help me !


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