[Mapserver-users] Need Info and Help for a first test

Gregory S. Williamson gsw at globexplorer.com
Thu Aug 7 11:38:47 PDT 2003

The shapefile is probably for an area other than the Itasca demo -- you need to specify the EXTENT to cover your area. 
This covers the San Francisco area:
EXTENT 542724.08 4173551.37 557476.48 4187315.33

This is the Itasca demo:
EXTENT 388107.634400379 5203120.88405952 500896.339019834 5310243.30613897

I used ArcView to get the extents (I had to tell it what projection to use, if I recall correctly, to get it to show units other than degrees (lat/long).

If I try to show my shape files using the Itasca extent, nothing shows up.

It is also useful to specify the "projection" either by referring to the "epsg" code (and having the NAD/Project directories set up) or spelling it out the way the Itasca demo does. 

Hope this helps,

Greg W.

-----Original Message-----
From:	harato [mailto:harato_1 at yahoo.com]
Sent:	Thu 8/7/2003 6:15 AM
To:	Mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
Subject:	[Mapserver-users] Need Info and Help for a first test

[English is not my natural language...]

(Mapserver 4.0b or MapServer 3.6 under Win98/Win2K)

Hi All,

I just want to display a layer and I have 3 files
(dept.dbf/dept.shp/dept.shx). It's an ESRI file

I've try to display the layer using the demo of Itasca
but nothing is displayed.

So I want to know If it's not a problem of OGR format
or what's the problem ?

Can I display my layer with my shape (Arcview)
directly using this web interface (and change some
name...) to display something ?

MapServer 4.0b or MapServer 3.6 (under Windows) can
support OGR ? is it an OGR problem ?

(I'm a total beginner/newbie - My Knowledge of OGR is
really bad !)

Please help me !


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