[Mapserver-users] cygwin gdal question ...

Heitzso heitzso at growthmodels.com
Sun Aug 10 07:11:49 PDT 2003

Thank you Norman,

In hindsight that was obvious.  DLLs need to
be in the path.  mapserv.exe still crashes,
but I'll go back and rebuild everything
straight and try again (with the gdal dll
where it belongs).  I'm also going to throw
the cygwin versus straight windows question
to the list in another email where the subject
corresponds better to the question.


Norman Vine wrote:
> Heitzso writes:
>>I've worked with gdal current stable and also
>>latest cvs tree snapshot.
>>In both cases gdal sets up fine.
>>Mapserver's ./configure finds gdal libraries fine.
>>The compile appears to run fine.
>>BUT when I 'mapserv.exe -v' an error pops up
>>re the libgdal.1.1.dll not being found.
>>This also blocks 'python setup.py build' in mapscript/python.
>>I've tried installing gdal to both /usr/local/lib
>>and to /usr/lib and that doesn't change anything.
>>Fails to find in either setting.  BTW, I do make distclean
>>and then rm *.exe and rm Makefile to flush the env
>>between runs.
> assuming you installed gdal into $prefix
> Copy the dll from $prefix/lib to $prefix/bin
> This is a known problem with gdal WRT to Cygwin
> that I don't have an easy fix for
> Norman

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