[Mapserver-users] cygwin versus mingw/native/win question

Heitzso heitzso at growthmodels.com
Sun Aug 10 07:20:17 PDT 2003

I have potential clients that are "gotta have it
on Win" folks.  So, while I prefer linux, I need
to push the whole tool stack over to WinXX.

My question ... if I need all of the mapserver
extensions rolled in for a python mapscript app
with a postgis backend, am I better off messing with
cygwin or messing with mingw?

I've focused on cygwin because:
  - I've used cygwin in other contexts for years
  - not clear there's a native postgis solution
    ready, though I know postgresql folks are
    working on their native win db
  - I haven't seen any email/doc that says
    all of the secondary libraries are
    ready to compile in straight win env.
  - I thought it would be simpler, given my
    development environment is debian unstable
    and the tool/lib setup would be similar
  - I like the idea of a single 'setup.exe'
    run picking up security fixes for client

Disadvantages of cygwin:
  - slower than native compile and this is a
    speed sensitive app
  - that setup.exe update could easily break
    everything on my client's box and they
    won't know how to clean it up
  - I'm struggling with the corner cases
    on cygwin anyway, might be easier to
    fight the corner cases mingw



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