[Mapserver-users] Re: [Mapserver-DE] UMN MapServer Anwenderkonferenz (User Meeting) 30.09.2003 in Bonn, Germany

Flavio Hendry flavio at tydac.ch
Mon Aug 11 11:43:05 PDT 2003

Hi Arnulf

> We wonder how it comes that the tone between german-speaking companies
> working with Free Software and UMN MapServer is somewhat strained.
> Therefore we want to also kindly invite you and the TYDAC AG (as any other
> firm) to play with us. If you see the need to foster our efforts in a more
> *professional* way - just tag along and do it.

I do not wonder at all. You knew exactly that a "First German Speaking
Countries User Meeting" took place in June in Berlin (as to my
surprise even Steve Lime and most of DM Solutions I met in Minneapolis
knew). There, the participants agreed to have/organize annual
meetings. And you were aware of it, I know that from different
sources. Anyway, weard and disturbing, you now try to position
yourself with your own "First German Speaking Countries User Meeting"
which shall take place in September in Bonn. What's that all about ???
Bonn still wants to be the capital, as well of MapServer ? ;-)

> It seems that commercial interests in Free Software and UMN MapServer are
> to be *restricted* or *reserved* to the whims of seleted global players

No. Not restricted reserved or whatever. Just, beside healthy
competition, some cooperation and coordination between all of us would
no harm the MapServer cause, it would immensly help. And none of us
which were in Berlin or in Minneapolis ever heard of you and your
ideas just up to now, where you come up with this "second wannabe
first thing". In principle this is your freedom to do that. No
problem. But does it help ??? 

> This company presentation:
> http://www.tydac.ch/english/index.php?menu=News_2002_09
> is definitely what we do not want to replicate.

This was just an example of a "professionally organized meeting" which
honestly declared what it was: a user or even better a client meeting,
even being all about open source (and a lot on non-clients attended,
but they knew what they got). BTW they knew three month in advance
about the detailed program, even before attending, imagine! Where is
your detailed program, did not see any and it's up in six weeks ?????

> Our *cause* can be broken down to promoting UMN MapServer

Yep. Our too, however we try to cooperate at the max. BTW already with
DM Solutions (Canada), MapMedia (D), AGIS (D), Terraplan (D) and
others. And nothing against Geo-Consortium. But what you did was not
as you say in German "the fine Art" ...

No German translation, sorry (I'm Swiss, so my German is not
readable ;-) ...).

flavio the rebel :-)

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