[Mapserver-users] CGI pixel to latlong and back

niklas wörmann nwoe at privat.utfors.se
Tue Aug 12 02:03:35 PDT 2003

i have asked before, maybe my questions weren´t clear.
i am trying to figure out a way to have mapserver create a map between pixel
coordinates on the image, and latitude longitude.
i am using mapserver cgi 4.

what i really would like to do is to send in a number of pixel coordinates
for a given map, and have the cgi send lat long values back
that way i am figuring i could create a grid of coordinate pairs, and use it
to interpolate the translation. the only data that needs to be processed
should be the projection and the extent, no need to mess about with layer
data etc.

i havent even succeded sending in one imgxy value and getting latlong back.

where do i start?

niklas wörmann

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