[Mapserver-users] MapLab error

Vincent Schut schut at sarvision.com
Wed Aug 13 01:23:43 PDT 2003


seems you have permissions on the maplab config files a bit too restrictive. 
Mind that maplab is running as the user apache is running as (you can set 
this in the apache config file, httpd.conf; usually it is something like 
wwwrun or apache. You need to set permissions for maplab's config files to 
writable for this user. You can set them to writable for all if you are not 
on a system that can be accessed from internet, it is however a bad security 
habit to do this...
Btw there is a maplab users mailing list that is more appropriate for 
questions like this: maplab-users at dmsolutions.ca . You might want to 
subscribe to this list.


On Tuesday 12 August 2003 23:08, Geoffrey Rowland wrote:
> Hi,
> I just installed MapLab and seem to be having some problems with it.  If
> I view installation information, it shows everything installed
> correctly.  However if I try and open the XML Config Utility, it comes
> up with the following warnings
> Warning: fopen(../config/gmapfactory.xml): failed to open stream:
> Permission denied in
> D:\wkdir\wnv\maplab\htdocs\common\appcontext\appcontext.php on line 553
> Warning: fopen(../config/maplab.xml): failed to open stream: Permission
> denied in D:\wkdir\wnv\maplab\htdocs\common\appcontext\appcontext.php on
> line 55
> and I can't seem to change any of the values.  Worst case I suppose I
> can just change them manually....I was just wondering if anyone had any
> idea as to what was causing this error.
> Thanks,
> Geoff

Vincent Schut
Sarvision B.V.
Wageningen, The Netherlands

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