[Mapserver-users] shp2mysql.pl and LINE data.

Bruce Bushby bruce.bushby at wol.co.za
Mon Aug 18 08:01:32 PDT 2003


Has anybody else had problems importing ESRI shapefiles using shp2mysql.pl?
When I run the script against my data set it all works beautifully,
point and polygon layers, however it ignores "line" layers, ie: roads.

shp2mysql.pl is a fantastic tool, unfortunately I don't know perl. Having a
it seems to cater for line data:
	" .....} elsif ($shape->{Shapetype} eq POLYGON){
               if ($shape->{Shapetype} eq LINE){
             } elsif ($shape->{Shapetype} eq POINT){
             } elsif ($shape->{Shapetype} eq POLYGON){...."
..any ideas?

Is there a php script to import ESRI shape files into mysql?

Thanks for the help!

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