[Mapserver-users] Problem with final Mapserv 4.0 installation

Steffen Gebhardt steffen.gebhardt at informus.de
Mon Aug 18 08:08:03 PDT 2003

Hello to all,

as I needed you help last week I do this week, since I do not find any 
comments in the archive.

I succesfully installed all the libraries I want to include.
Now I started the configuration of Mapserver like this:

./configure --with-gd=/tmp/unpacked/gd-2.0.15 

This is running well, it seems.

Executing the command "make", gives me this:

# make
  -I/tmp/unpacked/gd-2.0.15  -I/tmp/unpacked/proj-4.4.7/src        
-I/usr/local/include -I     maptemplate.c -o maptemplate.o
gcc: No input files
make: *** [maptemplate.o] Error 1

Does anybody now what is wrong? Is it that inputfiles for gdal and postgis 
are missing? How to repair this?

I'm sorry for wasting your time again.


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