[Mapserver-users] RE: problems with map file

Kari Geurts kgeurts at gis.umn.edu
Tue Aug 19 10:58:43 EDT 2003

Hello MapServer Users,

Can anyone help Lisa with her question? I have attached her question, email
and map file below. Thanks Kari

Hello Kari!
Thank you for your mail!
I gave up to change itasca and I've  made my own application but it
doesn't work.
I use the MapServer Minnesota 3.6 my application is in Attach and the
Problem is that the vector Data couldn't be displayed. May be you can
look at this.
I think this is a Problem with the demo.map file
Thank you, Lisa

Lisa Myslina <lisa.myslina at isb-ag.de>

   extent 3535650.78 5395688.17 3538517.74 5397235.46
   imagecolor 255 255 255 #Hintergrundfarbe
   name "demo"
   shapepath "/usr/local/apache/htdocs/MapServer_Apps/data/vector"
   size 600 600
   status on  #Die Karte kann zu-oder abgeschaltet werden
   units meters
  # 1 scalebar - Maßstabsleiste
     backgroundcolor 255 255 0 #Farbe der Leiste
     color 255 255 255	      # hier gelb und weiß
     intervals 4  # In wieviel Abschnitte unterteilt wird
     size 200 7   # Größe der Leiste
     status on   # An-oder abschalten der Leiste
     style 0   # Aussehen der Leiste (Varianten: 0 oder 1)
     transparent off  # Hintergrund hinter der Leiste an-oder ausschalten
     units meters
     # 1 label - Beschriftung der Maßstabsleiste
       color 255 255 0  
       size small 
   # 2 layer Flurst
     classitem "OFF_CODE" # Ein Attribut aus der Attributtabelle
     data "DEUTA0_region"  # Name der Datei ohne Endung
     name "DEUTA0_region"
     type polygon  #welcher Art ist der zu zeichnende Layer
     # 1 class Flurst_1
       color 255 255 255 # Farbe des Layers 
       name "DEUTA0_region"  # Zeigt den Name "Flurst_1 in der Legende an"
       outlinecolor 0 0 0 # Umrandung des Layers
  # 3 template & images
     imagepath "D:cygwin\usr\local\apache\htdocs\tmp\"
     imageurl "/htdocs/tmp/"
     template "demo.html"
   # 4 reference graphics/reference.gif
      #extent 3535650.78 5395688.17 3538517.74 5397235.46
      #image "graphics/reference.gif"
     #outlinecolor 0 0 255
     #size 120 120
     #status on
   # 5 legend 
     keysize 18 12
     status on
     # label 
       color 0 0 89
       size medium
       type bitmap

Kari A. Geurts

Department of Forest Resources
University of Minnesota
115 Green Hall
1530 Cleveland Ave. N.
St. Paul, MN 55108-6112
Phone: 612-624-3459
Email: kgeurts at gis.umn.edu

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