[Mapserver-users] Mapserver

Edward Wiebe edwiebe at codesymphonics.com
Sat Aug 23 20:22:00 PDT 2003


I am running MapServer on Win2K and using ASP as the scripting engine. The
only difference from your setup is that I am using MS SQL Server as my
backend database, but that is just a different ADO configuration. I happen
to be running MapServer on the same server as IIS, but it doesn't have to be
since they are two totally separate engines.

Have you reviewed this message from Ed McNierney from the archives?:

This gives a good understanding of how to use MapServer with ASP scripting.
I am using basically the same method (although I had already implemented it
using the XML object before I found Ed's article, but it performs the same
function, retrieving the results in a single text string). Ed's points
regarding use of the templates is almost identical to what I am doing and it
works great. The only difference is that I place each variable placeholder,
like [img] and [scalebar], on different lines in the template so I can split
them with 'vbcrlf'. It's also easier to read.

Below is the basic ASP code I am using to perform this. Between Ed's message
above and this, I think this should get you going with respect to the
implementation. If you don't have your own servers to host this on, I
wouldn't know how to help you there.

Best regards,

Ed Wiebe

'-- ASP Code Snippet Start --
'Create the XML object
Set XML = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")

'Generate the URL to send to MapServer
Dim MapServerURL
MapServerURL = BuildMapServerURL()

'Execute the request
XML.Open "GET", MapServerURL, False

'Retrieve the text string returned
Dim MapServerValuesString
MapServerValueString = XML.responseText

Set XML = Nothing

'Split the values using vbcrlf
Dim MapServerValuesArray
MapServerValuesArray = Split(MapServerValuesString, vbcrlf)

'Now just load your variables with values from MapServerValuesArray or do
whatever else you want to with it
'Just ignore the first row in the array as it is MapServer's header comment

Function BuildMapServerURL()

	'Your code here for compiling the MapServer URL

End Function
'-- ASP Code Snippet End --

-- Example of template file for retrieving values from MapServer:

-----Original Message-----
From: mapserver-users-admin at lists.gis.umn.edu
[mailto:mapserver-users-admin at lists.gis.umn.edu]On Behalf Of Mark Balman
Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2003 3:50 AM
To: 'mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu'
Cc: Martin Sneary
Subject: [Mapserver-users] Mapserver

Hi List

Can anyone shed some light as to the best solution to the following:

We are currently very impressed with mapserver and would like to integrate
the functionality into a new project. The project is for enabling the
mapping of bird sightings (points) and showing Sites (points) within a
country (polygon).

The user would be able to enter sightings of species at a site and view
these on the website. Navigational tools (such as ROSA) and /or query tools
would be required to enable interactivity with the data.

Currently the project is being developed using Microsoft Win2k / XP, Access
as the backend database (only for development purposes) and Active Server
Pages as the scripting language. Having trawled through the archives it
seems that ASP support for mapserver is still on the "backburner" although
has been successfully implemented in some cases.

What I would like to know is:

How can we best host the application e.g. by dedicated server or shared
hosting? If anyone has knowledge of Win2K, ASP and mapserver hosting
companies please can you point us in the right direction.

Thanks in advance

Mark Balman

Database/Support Analyst
BirdLife International
Wellbrook Court
Girton Road
01223 279838

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