[Mapserver-users] problem with Layer on-fly with MapServer 4

Andrés Collao collao_andres at hotmail.com
Sat Dec 6 11:51:58 PST 2003

thank you, right now, i know the problem

the mapfile don´t have de following porperties:
(these are the properties that I could prove)

when i try use STYLE object this don't work , why? i don't know, but reading 
the /tmp/test.map i see I could observe that the properties for color, size 
were not written this also happen to CONNECTIONTYPE, when trying to form it 
dynamically, simply do not make

creates a layer with those values in mapfile that I cannot form of dynamic 
form.  if somebody can create to layer of dynamic form, please, tell me or 
writes the solution in this page

::: Andrés Collao Pérez :::
[ collao_andres at hotmail.com ]
[ andres at mapserver.cl ]

:::El hombre es un Dios cuando sueña y un mendigo cuando reflexiona.
:::Il peggior nemico del succeso è la pauta del fallimiento
:::El peor enemigo del éxito es el miedo al fracaso


----Original Message Follows----
From: Daniel Morissette <morissette at dmsolutions.ca>
To: collao_andres <collao_andres at hotmail.com>
CC: mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
Subject: Re: [Mapserver-users] problem with Layer on-fly with MapServer 4
Date: Sat, 06 Dec 2003 13:40:06 -0500

collao_andres wrote:
>hi, i have the following code in PHP/MapScript
>// Default values and configuration
>$gpoMap = ms_newMapObj($gpoMap_path."base.map");

Constant names are case-sensitive. You should use MS_ON in the line above.

If your layer still doesn't show up after that change then try doing a 
$gpoMap->save("/tmp/test.map") just before your draw() call and then check 
that the layer definition in the saved mapfile looks the way you expect.

  Daniel Morissette               morissette at dmsolutions.ca
  DM Solutions Group              http://www.dmsolutions.ca/

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