[Mapserver-users] Config for Antialiased Lines

Steve Lime steve.lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Thu Dec 11 10:37:16 PST 2003

Then don't set a SYMBOL (default is single pixel) for the styles in
questions and set ANTIALIAS to TRUE and that should do it.


>>> "Paul Dugas" <Paul at DugasEnterprises.com> 12/10/2003 4:31:05 PM >>>
Steve Lime said:
> Antialiasing is only available with solid, single pixel lines.

Got that from archived postings but not how to setup the config so it
draws those elusive solid, single-pixel lines.  I actually want the
1-pixel lines.


Paul A. Dugas <paul at dugasenterprises.com>              phone:
Dugas Enterprises, LLC                                   fax:
1711 Indian Ridge Drive, Woodstock, GA 30189 USA
On-site at Georgia DOT, TMCx1015, 404.635.8013,
paul.dugas at dot.state.ga.us 
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