[Mapserver-users] Zoombox for dummies?

Richard Grenwood rich at greenwoodmap.com
Wed Dec 24 08:51:19 EST 2003

Mike Reilly wrote:

> Hi:
> First of all thanks to all those who volunteer to maintain mapserver.  
> It's a testament to their efforts that I've gotten this far along with 
> nothing more than the package itself and the parts of the 4.o tutorial 
> that are currently finished.
> On that note, the part of the 4.0 tutorial that demonstrates how to 
> implement a zoombox doesn't seem to exist (from what I can see in my 
> copy of the tutorial, at least).  Does anyone have any pointers to 
> information on how I can implement this in my current mapserver 
> project?  I've searched the archives and the web, but haven't come up 
> with much that's helpful.
> TIA and Season's Greetings,
> Mike Reilly
There are a couple ways to create a zoom box: with DHTML or a Java 
applet. Jan Hartman's map client is one (excellent) DHTML approach - see 
the user contributed utilities page:
jBox is a Java applet, also available on the user contributed utilities 
page and documented at:

Richard Greenwood

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