[Mapserver-users] Problems with new mapserver install

Dylan Keon keon at nacse.org
Wed Dec 31 17:37:12 EST 2003

mapserver at digger.net wrote:
> Tyler Mitchell wrote:
>>Case 2 - Now, mapserver may not use GIF images if it wasn't configure to.
>>In which case PNG format files would be your other choice.  In this case
>>you probably already have ctyhwy.gif, but really need to use .png files.
>>After converting to png, you will have to change your SYMBOL declarations
>>or your SYMBOLSET file to point to the files using the new extension.
> Ok, I did this.  The only change is that now it complains about ctyhwy.png:
>   msLoadMap(): General error message. Undefined overlay symbol 
> "symbols/ctyhwy.png" in class 0, style 0 of layer ctyrdln3_anno.
>   msAddImageSymbol(): General error message. Unable to load PNG symbol. 

You might try using the absolute path to each symbol.

e.g., SYMBOL "/usr/local/mapserver/demo/itasca/symbols/ctyhwy.png" 
instead of SYMBOL "symbols/ctyhwy.png"


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