[Mapserver-users] Problems with Java Interface

José María Michia jmmichia at ciudad.com.ar
Mon Feb 3 16:41:08 EST 2003


With JDK 1.4, the problem persist.

This fix the problem, but cause confusion on me:

- Add a layer to MAP file used for initialization. This layer, take data
from table "ruta". Set the layer status to OFF (DATA: "the_geom from ruta").
- Add the desired layer from ruta's table (with a DATA field like this:
"the_geom from (SELECT AsText(ruta.the_geom) AS the_geom, ruta.oid AS oid,
ruta.mslink AS mslink, ruta.id_ruta AS id_ruta FROM ruta WHERE id_ruta='8')
as foo1 using unique oid using srid=-1").

And all works fine.

Wath happens?
Sorry my english, and thanks for your help.
José María Michia
Desarrollador SIG
Rosario, Argentina

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