February 2003 Archives by author
Starting: Sun Feb 2 15:01:38 PST 2003
Ending: Fri Feb 28 16:06:31 PST 2003
Messages: 849
- [Mapserver-users] Tiling a large raster
Till Adams
- [Mapserver-users] New ArcView Extension for MapServer
Till Adams
- [Mapserver-users] New ArcView Extension for MapServer
Till Adams
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver for Win32
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer 3.6.4 with PHP/MapScript
Ariel Aizemberg
- [Mapserver-users] create and display point obj on the fly
Kieran J. Ames
- [Mapserver-users] optimizing shapefiles with the mapserver utilities?
Kieran J. Ames
- [Mapserver-users] Projection help
Kieran J. Ames
- [Mapserver-users] Layer scalability question
Kieran J. Ames
- [Mapserver-users] Projection help
Kieran J. Ames
- [Mapserver-users] Text from MapInfo file
James Anderson
- [Mapserver-users] configure PHP as a cgi
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [Mapserver-users] Re: Win32 Binaries
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [Mapserver-users] mapsize change
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer 3.7 / Win32 / GD2
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [Mapserver-users] swf-output progress & changelog?
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [Mapserver-users] compil error with the nighty build (mapserver 3.7)
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [Mapserver-users] rosa: questions/problems with Mac
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [Mapserver-users] Raster: rotation params in WLD file - Resampling
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [Mapserver-users] can't display raster
Jeff Austin
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver and cyrillic fonts
Ivan Azmanov
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver and Oracle 9i
Eric Baelen
- [Mapserver-users] PHP/MapScript module test
Beth Baily
- [Mapserver-users] Polygon hilite
Mark Balman
- [Mapserver-users] create and display point obj on the fly
Lionel Bargeot
- [Mapserver-users] create and display point obj on the fly
Lionel Bargeot
- [Mapserver-users] create and display point obj on the fly
Lionel Bargeot
- [Mapserver-users] create and display point obj on the fly
Lionel Bargeot
- [Mapserver-users] create and display point obj on the fly
Lionel Bargeot
- [Mapserver-users] create and display point obj on the fly
Lionel Bargeot
- [Mapserver-users] create and display point obj on the fly
Lionel Bargeot
- [Mapserver-users] 24 bit tif rendering
Lionel Bargeot
- [Mapserver-users] 24 bit tif rendering
Lionel Bargeot
- [Mapserver-users] ODBC connection data entry
Lionel Bargeot
- [Mapserver-users] How to label points with attributes from Mysql-DB
Lionel Bargeot
- [Mapserver-users] configure PHP as a cgi
Dan Barron
- [Mapserver-users] RE: oceans and seas shapefiles
Dan Barron
- [Mapserver-users] map drop shadow effect
Dan Barron
- [Mapserver-users] map drop shadow effect
Dan Barron
- [Mapserver-users] map drop shadow effect
Dan Barron
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer Capabilities
Thomas Bartlett
- [Mapserver-users] compilation (new user)
Trigas Basileios
- [Mapserver-users] why can't I draw a point on my map?
Chris Black
- [Mapserver-users] why can't I draw a point on my map?
Chris Black
- [Mapserver-users] got it working (Re: why can't I draw a point on my map?)
Chris Black
- [Mapserver-users] PHP MapScript - BUGS: pointObj->m, shapeObj->numlines and shapeObj->bounds not set.
Luis Blanco
- [Mapserver-users] BUGS ?? pointObj->m, shapeObj->numlines and shapeObj->bounds not set.
Luis Blanco
- [Mapserver-users] BUGS ?? pointObj->m, shapeObj->numlines and shapeObj->bounds not set.
Luis Blanco
- [Mapserver-users] Optimising PostGIS relates/subselects/views
David Blasby
- [Mapserver-users] Projection woes, Revisited.
David Blasby
- [Mapserver-users] Classes based on Postgis && function
David Blasby
- [Mapserver-users] multimap.com patent
Eric L. Blevins
- [Mapserver-users] Another Mapserver Application
Steven Bowden
- [Mapserver-users] Another Mapserver Application
Steven Bowden
- [Mapserver-users] MapScript, help starting?
Junkmail Box
- [Mapserver-users] MapScript, help starting?
Junkmail Box
- [Mapserver-users] Map Extent
Eric Bridger
- [Mapserver-users] Demo help
Eric Bridger
- [Mapserver-users] mapscript: querying w/o shape files
Eric Bridger
- [Mapserver-users] Map Extent
Eric Bridger
- [Mapserver-users] mapscript: querying w/o shape files
Eric Bridger
- [Mapserver-users] $lyr->getShape($shape,$tile,$record) problem
Eric Bridger
- [Mapserver-users] Mapscript Querying Projected layer.
Eric Bridger
- [Mapserver-users] PERL mapscript polygon shapefile creation
Eric Bridger
- [Mapserver-users] filter, mapscript
Eric Bridger
- [Mapserver-users] Projection help
Eric Bridger
- [Mapserver-users] Layer question
Eric Bridger
- [Mapserver-users] MapScript, help starting?
Eric Bridger
- [Mapserver-users] reference map was newbie questions
Eric Bridger
- [Mapserver-users] MapScript PHP regular expressions: case in-sensitive, MS 3.7
Armin Burger
- [Mapserver-users] queryByAttributes Mapscript
Armin Burger
- [Mapserver-users] Help me,please (fwd)
Thomas E. Burk
- [Mapserver-users] configure PHP as a cgi
Jim Burnett
- [Mapserver-users] raster layer not turning off
Jim Burnett
- [Mapserver-users] mapscript + templates
Jim Burnett
- [Mapserver-users] mapscript + templates
Jim Burnett
- [Mapserver-users] Site Critique
Joe Bussell
- [Mapserver-users] PERL mapscript polygon shapefile creation
Joe Bussell
- [Mapserver-users] PERL mapscript polygon shapefile creation
Joe Bussell
- [Mapserver-users] WMS and ArcMap / ArcGIS
Jean-Francois.Doyon at CCRS.NRCan.gc.ca
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver and Oracle 9i
Jean-Francois.Doyon at CCRS.NRCan.gc.ca
- [Mapserver-users] ODBC connection data entry
Jean-Francois.Doyon at CCRS.NRCan.gc.ca
- [Mapserver-users] Connecting to Oracle 9i to set and retrieve data
Jean-Francois.Doyon at CCRS.NRCan.gc.ca
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver 3.7
Jean-Francois.Doyon at CCRS.NRCan.gc.ca
- [Mapserver-users] Turning on/off parts of layer based on expr ession
Jean-Francois.Doyon at CCRS.NRCan.gc.ca
- [Mapserver-users] Regular expression.
Jean-Francois.Doyon at CCRS.NRCan.gc.ca
- [Mapserver-users] use of FILTER and FILTERITEM
Peter.Bruton at CCRS.NRCan.gc.ca
- [Mapserver-users] WMS and ArcMap / ArcGIS
Tom.Kralidis at CCRS.NRCan.gc.ca
- [Mapserver-users] Code of PHP CGI Program Displayed
William Carty
- [Mapserver-users] Random Issues
William Carty
- [Mapserver-users] One Other Issue
William Carty
- [Mapserver-users] Templates - Include Results For Multiple Layers
William Carty
- [Mapserver-users] GetFeatureInfo scale range?
Doug Cates
- [Mapserver-users] (no subject)
Alessandro Ceccotti
- [Mapserver-users] Troubles with shapefiles
Alessandro Ceccotti
- [Mapserver-users] Zoom
João Paulo M. Claro
- [Mapserver-users] Help
João Paulo M. Claro
- [Mapserver-users] Lines
João Paulo M. Claro
- [Mapserver-users] Lines
João Paulo M. Claro
- [Mapserver-users] Query
João Paulo M. Claro
- [Mapserver-users] Query
João Paulo M. Claro
- [Mapserver-users] Text Object
João Paulo M. Claro
- [Mapserver-users] Text Object
João Paulo M. Claro
- [Mapserver-users] insert to layer
João Paulo M. Claro
- Fw: [Mapserver-users] insert to layer
João Paulo M. Claro
- [Mapserver-users] Label ???
João Paulo M. Claro
- [Mapserver-users] Help
João Paulo M. Claro
- [Mapserver-users] Help
João Paulo M. Claro
- [Mapserver-users] ActiveX - MapServer View
João Paulo M. Claro
- Fw: [Mapserver-users] ActiveX - MapServer View
João Paulo M. Claro
- [Mapserver-users] Street name
João Paulo M. Claro
- [Mapserver-users] Street name
João Paulo M. Claro
- [Mapserver-users] why can't I draw a point on my map?
Attila Csipa
- AW: [Mapserver-users] Symbol / How to create different streets
Möri Cédric
- [Mapserver-users] rosa: questions/problems with Mac
Möri Cédric
- [Mapserver-users] (no subject)
Florindo D'Onofrio
- [Mapserver-users] optimizing shapefiles with the mapserver utilities?
Eric Davies
- [Mapserver-users] Problem (FWD)
John Deck
- [Mapserver-users] PHP Mapscript and filters
Lyle Dietz
- [Mapserver-users] newbie questions
- [Mapserver-users] Compile issues, no PNG's
Marc Drouin
- [Mapserver-users] Compile issues, no PNG's - part 2
Marc Drouin
- [Mapserver-users] MapSize from select combo box
Pedro Duarte
- [Mapserver-users] querybypoint query?
Paul Dymecki
- [Mapserver-users] Digitizing maps
Paul Dymecki
- Fw: [Mapserver-users] Digitizing maps
Paul Dymecki
- Fw: [Mapserver-users] Digitizing maps
Paul Dymecki
- [Mapserver-users] premapserver digitizing
Paul Dymecki
- Fw: [Mapserver-users] premapserver digitizing
Paul Dymecki
- [Mapserver-users] nested ifs
Paul Dymecki
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver and Oracle 9i
- [Mapserver-users] Large Map Files
- [Mapserver-users] Large Map Files
- [Mapserver-users] MapScript get one legend image of a classified layer
Chuanyun Fei
- [Mapserver-users] help:labels
Lowell Filak
- [Mapserver-users] create and display point obj on the fly
Lowell Filak
- [Mapserver-users] georeferencing points and representing calculated distances
Lowell Filak
- [Mapserver-users] create and display point obj on the fly
Lowell Filak
- [Mapserver-users] create and display point obj on the fly
Lowell Filak
- [Mapserver-users] mapscript: querying w/o shape files
Lowell Filak
- [Mapserver-users] create and display point obj on the fly
Lowell Filak
- [Mapserver-users] create and display point obj on the fly
Lowell Filak
- [Mapserver-users] Map Extent
Lowell Filak
- [Mapserver-users] $lyr->getShape($shape,$tile,$record) problem
Lowell Filak
- [mapserver-users] MapScript scalebar and reference map
Lowell Filak
- [Mapserver-users] Can't locate 'new' method of mapObj
Lowell Filak
- [Mapserver-users] $lyr->getShape($shape,$tile,$record) problem
Lowell Filak
- [Mapserver-users] Basic questions
Lowell Filak
- [Mapserver-users] Gmap75 demo - gd - freetype problem
Lowell Filak
- [Mapserver-users] MapScript, help starting?
Lowell Filak
- [Mapserver-users] MS on apple os x or indeed xserve
Step Firth
- [Mapserver-users] WMS client layer and TerraServer
Brian Fischer
- [Mapserver-users] creating windows binary installation package ??
Thorsten Fischer
- [Mapserver-users] PHP 4.3.0 security issues
Thorsten Fischer
- [Mapserver-users] Too many layers
Thorsten Fischer
- [Mapserver-users] Re: [Bug 270] 24-bit image processing crash
Brent Fraser
- [Mapserver-users] CLASS status on/off
Brent Fraser
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer 3.7 / Win32 / GD2
Brent Fraser
- [Mapserver-users] Experiments with the new GRID feature
Brent Fraser
- [Mapserver-users] (no subject)
Jose Manuel Diaz Diaz - GTHLA
- [Mapserver-users] application builder
Dean Gadoury
- [Mapserver-users] Hello
Dean Gadoury
- [Mapserver-users] ActiveX - MapServer View
Dean Gadoury
- [Mapserver-users] tons of problems with labels!!! please help!!!
Andres Garcia
- [Mapserver-users] hot to apply an angle to label items??
Andres Garcia
- [Mapserver-users] how to paste an image over the map image???
Andres Garcia
- [Mapserver-users] How to label points with attributes from Mysql-DB
- [Mapserver-users] How to label points with attributes from Mysql-DB
- AW: [Mapserver-users] How to label points with attributes from My sql-DB
- [Mapserver-users] Symbology Questions (Charts)
Geoghegan, Sean
- [Mapserver-users] how to paste an image over the map image???
Sean Gillies
- [Mapserver-users] how to paste an image over the map image???
Sean Gillies
- [Mapserver-users] Point color by attribute
Sean Gillies
- [Mapserver-users] mapscript using layer filter
Sean Gillies
- [Mapserver-users] Error in msProcessProjection()
Grant, Ryan
- [Mapserver-users] Error in msProcessProjection()
Grant, Ryan
- [Mapserver-users] more mapplet questions
Richard Greenwood
- [Mapserver-users] more mapplet questions
Richard Greenwood
- [Mapserver-users] Re: Mapserver Compilation on Win 32
Richard Greenwood
- [Mapserver-users] Help me,please (fwd)
Richard Greenwood
- [Mapserver-users] Native Win32 PostgreSQL
Richard Greenwood
- [Mapserver-users] Native Win32 PostgreSQL
Richard Greenwood
- [Mapserver-users] win32 postgis
Richard Greenwood
- [Mapserver-users] win32 postgis
Richard Greenwood
- [Mapserver-users] Re: select mapsize from combo box
Richard Greenwood
- [Mapserver-users] Re: select mapsize from combo box
Richard Greenwood
- [Mapserver-users] Large Map Files
Richard Greenwood
- [Mapserver-users] Large Map Files
Richard Greenwood
- [Mapserver-users] Creating a TTF font?
Richard Greenwood
- [Mapserver-users] Label ???
Richard Greenwood
- [Mapserver-users] compiling 3.7 w/ gd2 & GDAL on windows
Richard Greenwood
- Sum: [Mapserver-users] compiling 3.7 w/ gd2 & GDAL on windows
Richard Greenwood
- [Mapserver-users] Can't seem to get the projection correct
Richard Greenwood
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver Lecturing
Richard Greenwood
- [Mapserver-users] How to speed up reading Shape files' large DBF
Richard Greenwood
- [Mapserver-users] Raster: rotation params in WLD file
Marian Grigoras
- [Mapserver-users] Raster: rotation params in WLD file
Marian Grigoras
- [Mapserver-users] Raster: rotation params in WLD file
Marian Grigoras
- [Mapserver-users] Raster: rotation params in WLD file - Resampling
Marian Grigoras
- [Mapserver-users] compilation question
Marco Antonio Márquez Gómez
- [Mapserver-users] Connecting to Oracle 9i to set and retrieve data
Barbara H. Hageman
- [Mapserver-users] Address Lookup
Chris Hagwood
- [Mapserver-users] Site Critique
Chris Hagwood
- [Mapserver-users] Run a C program from an HTML page ?
Hankley, Chip
- [Mapserver-users] Projection woes, Revisited.
Hankley, Chip
- [Mapserver-users] Projection woes, Revisited.
Hankley, Chip
- [Mapserver-users] Projection woes, Revisited.
Hankley, Chip
- [Mapserver-users] Projection woes, Revisited.
Hankley, Chip
- [Mapserver-users] Projection woes, Revisited.
Hankley, Chip
- [Mapserver-users] Projection woes, Revisited.
Hankley, Chip
- [Mapserver-users] Projection woes, Revisited.
Hankley, Chip
- [Mapserver-users] create and display point obj on the fly
Hankley, Chip
- [Mapserver-users] create and display point obj on the fly
Hankley, Chip
- [Mapserver-users] WIKI addition - Projections How-To (for Windows)
Hankley, Chip
- [Mapserver-users] create and display point obj on the fly
Hankley, Chip
- [Mapserver-users] create and display point obj on the fly
Hankley, Chip
- [Mapserver-users] WMS Woes
Hankley, Chip
- [Mapserver-users] WMS Woes
Hankley, Chip
- [Mapserver-users] WMS Woes
Hankley, Chip
- [Mapserver-users] .tiff resolution
Hankley, Chip
- [Mapserver-users] Digitizing maps
Hankley, Chip
- [Mapserver-users] img problem
Hankley, Chip
- [Mapserver-users] Digitizing maps
Hankley, Chip
- [Mapserver-users] Can't seem to get the projection correct
Hankley, Chip
- [Mapserver-users] Can't seem to get the projection correct
Hankley, Chip
- [Mapserver-users] How to make labels in MS with PostGIS
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] Not producing the number of points in a Line Object
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver 3.7, PHP/mapscript, Apache 2.x, RH8
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] Not producing the number of points in a Line Object
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] Maximum number of classes/layers (was: premature end of script headers (php))
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer 3.7 / Win32 / GD2
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer 3.7 / Win32 / GD2
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] Re: [postgis-users] Off Topic: ham radio modeling over open source
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] Re: [postgis-users] Off Topic: ham radio modeling over open source
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] Classes based on Postgis && function
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] compiling 3.7 w/ gd2 & GDAL on windows
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] Classes based on Postgis && function
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] Browser anomalies
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] Classes based on Postgis && function
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] Classes based on Postgis && function
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] Classes based on Postgis && function
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] Classes based on Postgis && function
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] Classes based on Postgis && function
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] white (blank) image?
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] Off center world maps (was: PERL mapscript polygon shapefile creation)
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] newbie questions
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] 3.7 DATAPATTERN
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver 3.7 linker error on Win32
Matthew Hatcher
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer & Tomcat
Matthew Hatcher
- [Mapserver-users] Tiling a large raster
Matthew Hatcher
- [Mapserver-users] spatial database support/configuration
Matthew Hatcher
- [Mapserver-users] Symbol / How to create different streets
Flavio Hendry
- [Mapserver-users] Smoothing NEXRAD imagery
Daryl Herzmann
- [Mapserver-users] *.lyr and *.sym
Eric Hillmuth
- [Mapserver-users] basic PHP mapscript config
Eric Hillmuth
- [Mapserver-users] New MapServer Site
Düster Horst
- [Mapserver-users] Coding rubber band zoom box with Javascript
Hudspeth, Bill
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer Users Meeting
Aaron D. Hunt
- [Mapserver-users] Raster data (pixel digital number)
Hussain, Asghar IWMIPK
- [Mapserver-users] Too many layers
- [Mapserver-users] msLoadMap(): Unable to access file. Illegal mapfile name.
Philipp Jacob
- [Mapserver-users] msLoadMap(): Unable to access file. Illegal mapfile name.
Philipp Jacob
- [Mapserver-users] Zoom error with Python
Sven Jacobi
- [Mapserver-users] Query Mapscript
Sven Jacobi
- [Mapserver-users] *.lyr and *.sym
Sven Jacobi
- [Mapserver-users] queryByAttributes Mapscript
Sven Jacobi
- [Mapserver-users] filter, mapscript
Sven Jacobi
- [Mapserver-users] WMS requests to Terraserver overlapping 2 UTM zones
Marc Jacquin
- [Mapserver-users] (no subject)
Marc Jacquin
- [Mapserver-users] nightly shp2pdf segfaults on truetype fonts
Zak James
- [Mapserver-users] MS on apple os x or indeed xserve
Zak James
- [Mapserver-users] symbols from shapefile
James Jefferson
- [Mapserver-users] Creating a TTF font?
James Jefferson
- [Mapserver-users] Creating a TTF font?
James Jefferson
- [Mapserver-users] How to label points with attributes from Mysql-DB
James Jefferson
- [Mapserver-users] How to label points with attributes from Mysql-DB
James Jefferson
- [Mapserver-users] seperating features with classes
James Jefferson
- [Mapserver-users] Maptell Mapserver
Jithesh P. Joseph
- [Mapserver-users] Thematic legend with check boxes
- [Mapserver-users] WMS and ArcMap / ArcGIS
- RV: [Mapserver-users] Thematic legend with check boxes
- [Mapserver-users] Thematic legend with check boxes
- [Mapserver-users] Train line
- [Mapserver-users] Off Topic: ham radio modeling over open source
- [Mapserver-users] Can't seem to get the projection correct
- [Mapserver-users] RE: MI-L Off Topic: ham radio modeling over open source
- [Mapserver-users] Train line
Stepan Kafka
- [Mapserver-users] output format with mapserver3.7
Stepan Kafka
- [Mapserver-users] mapscript mouse over
Stepan Kafka
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver and cyrillic fonts
Stepan Kafka
- [Mapserver-users] WMS and ArcMap / ArcGIS
Gernot Katzlberger
- [Mapserver-users] mapscript: querying w/o shape files
Dylan Keon
- [mapserver-users] MapScript scalebar and reference map
Dylan Keon
- [Mapserver-users] More MapScript 3.7 problems
Dylan Keon
- [Mapserver-users] WMS and ArcMap / ArcGIS
Dylan Keon
- [Mapserver-users] premature end of script headers (php)
Dylan Keon
- [Mapserver-users] Maximum number of classes/layers (was: premature end of script headers (php))
Dylan Keon
- [Mapserver-users] why can't I draw a point on my map?
Dylan Keon
- [Mapserver-users] HELP! Bug in PHP 4.3.x ???
Dylan Keon
- [Mapserver-users] Tiling a large raster
Dylan Keon
- [Mapserver-users] EXTENSION parameter in OUTPUTFORMAT removed?
Dylan Keon
- [Mapserver-users] cygwin vs. windows
Dylan Keon
- [Mapserver-users] cygwin vs. windows
Dylan Keon
- [Mapserver-users] basic PHP mapscript config
Dylan Keon
- [Mapserver-users] 10. configure PHP as a cgi (Terrence Lalla)
Katarina Kobesova
- [Mapserver-users] configure PHP as a cgi
Terrence Lalla
- [Mapserver-users] georeferencing points and representing calculated distances
Terrence Lalla
- [Mapserver-users] Not producing the number of points in a Line Object
Terrence Lalla
- [Mapserver-users] Nightly Build Download Page
Terrence Lalla
- [Mapserver-users] ProBlem Drawing a Line(circle) AS a second Layer on top the first Layer
Terrence Lalla
- [Mapserver-users] ProBlem Drawing a Line(circle) AS a second Layer on top the first Layer
Terrence Lalla
- [Mapserver-users] dev 3.7 ver Revision: 1.143 $ $Date: 2003/02/04 Crashing
Terrence Lalla
- [Mapserver-users] dev 3.7 ver Revision: 1.143 $ $Date: 2003/02/04 Working Fine
Terrence Lalla
- [Mapserver-users] defining a simple scalebar object
Terrence Lalla
- [Mapserver-users] Raster geotiff turns background yellow (now turns vectors gray)
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] symbols from shapefile
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] Query
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] Query
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] Re: [Bug 270] 24-bit image processing crash
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] label placement, how shape's center is determined
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] Re: [Bug 270] 24-bit image processing crash
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] use of FILTER and FILTERITEM
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] Large Map Files
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer and Java
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer and Java
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] Large Map Files
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] Large Map Files
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] layer STATUS as CGI parameter
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] Can't locate 'new' method of mapObj
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver Lecturing
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] One-to-one JOINs added to CVS (3.7)
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer Users Meeting
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver 3.7
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] Turning on/off parts of layer based on expression
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] [PHP/MS 3.7-dev]: setRGB() conflicts with createLegendIcon() ?
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] [PHP/MS 3.7-dev]: setRGB() conflictswith createLegendIcon() ?
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] Query Help
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] Regular expression.
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] Save view as shapefile
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] map drop shadow effect
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] 3.7 itemquery
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] Annotation
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] Raster: rotation params in WLD file - Resampling
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] Annotation
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] Thematic Mapping
Lowther, David W
- [Mapserver-users] Thematic Mapping
Lowther, David W
- [Mapserver-users] How to make labels in MS with PostGIS
Lowther, David W
- [Mapserver-users] problem on symbol rendering from a truetype font
Lowther, David W
- [Mapserver-users] WMS and ArcMap / ArcGIS
Lowther, David W
- [Mapserver-users] WMS and ArcMap / ArcGIS
Lowther, David W
- [Mapserver-users] WMS and ArcMap / ArcGIS
Lowther, David W
- [Mapserver-users] Large Map Files
Lowther, David W
- [Mapserver-users] Thematic legend with check boxes
Lowther, David W
- [Mapserver-users] Thematic legend with check boxes
Lowther, David W
- [Mapserver-users] Train line
Lowther, David W
- [Mapserver-users] Can't seem to get the projection correct
Lowther, David W
- [Mapserver-users] Can't seem to get the projection correct
Lowther, David W
- [Mapserver-users] Site Demo / Critique
Lowther, David W
- [Mapserver-users] Site Demo / Critique
Lowther, David W
- [Mapserver-users] Mapscript compile trouble
Madere, Colin
- [Mapserver-users] Compile Problems 3.6.4, nightly with Solari s8
Madere, Colin
- [Mapserver-users] compilation question
Madere, Colin
- [Mapserver-users] New User - Compile problems...
Madere, Colin
- [Mapserver-users] No help from developers regarding configure/com pile issues?
Madere, Colin
- [Mapserver-users] No help from developers regarding configure /com pile issues?
Madere, Colin
- [Mapserver-users] No help from developers regarding configur e/compile issues?
Madere, Colin
- [Mapserver-users] dynamic libraries and LDPATH
Madere, Colin
- [Mapserver-users] dynamic libraries and LDPATH
Madere, Colin
- [Mapserver-users] dynamic libraries and LDPATH
Madere, Colin
- [Mapserver-users] Compile Problems 3.6.4, nightly with Solari s8
Madere, Colin
- [Mapserver-users] dynamic libraries and LDPATH
Madere, Colin
- [Mapserver-users] Compile issues, no PNG's
Madere, Colin
- [Mapserver-users] mapplet question
Martin, Daniel
- [Mapserver-users] more mapplet questions
Martin, Daniel
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer on Zaurus Linux
Martin, Daniel
- [Mapserver-users] img problem
Martin, Daniel
- [Mapserver-users] New MapServer Site
Martin, Daniel
- [Mapserver-users] Train line
Martin, Daniel
- [Mapserver-users] How do I make a ploygon layer transparent
Martin, Daniel
- [Mapserver-users] Can't seem to get the projection correct
Martin, Daniel
- [Mapserver-users] Can't seem to get the projection correct
Martin, Daniel
- [Mapserver-users] Can't seem to get the projection correct
Martin, Daniel
- [Mapserver-users] Can't seem to get the projection correct
Martin, Daniel
- [Mapserver-users] Can't seem to get the projection correct
Martin, Daniel
- [Mapserver-users] Can't seem to get the projection correct
Martin, Daniel
- [Mapserver-users] Can't seem to get the projection correct
Martin, Daniel
- [Mapserver-users] Can't seem to get the projection correct
Martin, Daniel
- [Mapserver-users] Can't seem to get the projection correct
Martin, Daniel
- [Mapserver-users] Can't seem to get the projection correct
Martin, Daniel
- [Mapserver-users] Browser anomalies
Martin, Daniel
- [Mapserver-users] Turning on/off parts of layer based on expr ession
Martin, Daniel
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer & Tomcat
Martin, Daniel
- [Mapserver-users] override SIZE directive in map through CGI parameter?
Martin, Daniel
- [Mapserver-users] nested ifs
Martin, Daniel
- [Mapserver-users] Site Demo / Critique
Martin, Daniel
- [Mapserver-users] mapsize change
Steve McCrone
- [Mapserver-users] MapSize from select combo box
Steve McCrone
- [Mapserver-users] select mapsize from combo box - solved
Steve McCrone
- [Mapserver-users] added gifs to page do not appear
Steve McCrone
- [Mapserver-users] buffering polygons, thoughts
Fred McDavid
- [Mapserver-users] create and display point obj on the fly
Dave McIlhagga
- [Mapserver-users] premature end of script headers (php)
Dave McIlhagga
- [Mapserver-users] 24 bit tif rendering
Dave McIlhagga
- [Mapserver-users] multimap.com patent
Dave McIlhagga
- [Mapserver-users] how to restrict layers based on location?
Dave McIlhagga
- [Mapserver-users] Basic questions
Dave McIlhagga
- [Mapserver-users] GITA and GeoTec conferences
Dave McIlhagga
- [Mapserver-users] New ArcView Extension for MapServer
Dave McIlhagga
- [Mapserver-users] image qyuality
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] image qyuality
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Map Extent
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Error in msProcessProjection()
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Projection woes, Revisited.
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Projection woes, Revisited.
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Projection woes, Revisited.
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Projection woes, Revisited.
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Projection woes, Revisited.
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Projection woes, Revisited.
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Projection woes, Revisited.
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] can't display raster
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] .tiff resolution
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Error when compiling mapserver in win32.
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] .tiff resolution
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] .tiff resolution
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Re: Mapserver Compilation on Win 32
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] WMS and ArcMap / ArcGIS
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] WMS and ArcMap / ArcGIS
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] WMS and ArcMap / ArcGIS
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Large Map Files
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver 3.7 linker error on Win32
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer 3.7 / Win32 / GD2
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Creating a TTF font?
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] WMS client layer and TerraServer
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] multimap.com patent
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] multimap.com patent
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] compiling 3.7 w/ gd2 & GDAL on windows
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Can't seem to get the projection correct
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Can't seem to get the projection correct
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Can't seem to get the projection correct
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Can't seem to get the projection correct
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Can't seem to get the projection correct
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Can't seem to get the projection correct
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Can't seem to get the projection correct
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Can't seem to get the projection correct
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] how to restrict layers based on location?
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] (no subject)
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Is there an echo in here?
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Raster: rotation params in WLD file
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Raster: rotation params in WLD file
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] converting to perl
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] white (blank) image?
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] converting to perl
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] white (blank) image?
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] cygwin vs. windows
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] cygwin vs. windows
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Printing from ie 5.00.2614
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver 3.6.3 - Compile errors
Jose Mendez
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver 3.6.3 - Compile errors
Jose Mendez
- [Mapserver-users] Can't compile tcl mapscript
Jose Mendez
- [Mapserver-users] Problems with Java Interface
José María Michia
- [Mapserver-users] Problems with Java Interface
José María Michia
- [Mapserver-users] multimap.com patent
William Miles
- [Mapserver-users] multimap.com patent
William Miles
- [Mapserver-users] multimap.com patent
William Miles
- [Mapserver-users] Code of PHP CGI Program Displayed
Toshimi Minoura
- [Mapserver-users] Compilation Question
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Raster geotiff turns background yellow (now turns vectors gray)
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] 3.6.4 compilation troubles in Solaris
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Not producing the number of points in a Line Object
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] WMS Woes
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] PHP4/MapScript bug
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Nightly Build Download Page
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] MapScript 3.7 on Windows - CGI problems
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver 3.6.3 - Compile errors
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Configure Error regex in php
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] dev 3.7 ver Revision: 1.143 $ $Date: 2003/02/04 Crashing
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] More MapScript 3.7 problems
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Symbology Questions (Charts)
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] More MapScript 3.7 problems
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] did something change between 3.6.3 and 3.6.4?
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] did something change between 3.6.3 and 3.6.4?
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] [Fwd: [ANNOUNCE] PHP Security Advisory: CGI vulnerability in PHP version 4.3.0]
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Can't seem to get the projection correct
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] output format with mapserver3.7
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Can't seem to get the projection correct
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver Lecturing
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] No help from developers regarding configure/compile issues?
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Can't seem to get the projection correct
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] HELP! Bug in PHP 4.3.x ???
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer 3.6.4 with PHP/MapScript
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] PHP-4.3.x/Apache2/RH8 and mapscript issue
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] dynamic libraries and LDPATH
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] [PHP/MS 3.7-dev]: setRGB() conflicts with createLegendIcon() ?
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] PHP-4.3.x/Apache2/RH8 and mapscript issue
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] dynamic libraries and LDPATH
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Gmap75 demo - gd - freetype problem
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] RH 7.3 & PHP 4.3.1 with regex enabled issue - Mapserver configure
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] dynamic libraries and LDPATH
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] mapscript + templates
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] beginner
Luis Moura
- [Mapserver-users] Creating points with different color attributes from postgres?
Gerry Creager N5JXS
- [Mapserver-users] Code of PHP CGI Program Displayed
Gerry Creager N5JXS
- [Mapserver-users] ESRIWeather TTF ascii code?
Gerry Creager N5JXS
- [Mapserver-users] Gmap75 demo - gd - freetype problem
Gerry Creager N5JXS
- [Mapserver-users] Point color by attribute
Gerry Creager N5JXS
- [Mapserver-users] 3.7 stability?
Gerry Creager N5JXS
- [Mapserver-users] Release date for 3.7 ?
Lars V. Nielsen
- [Mapserver-users] mapscript: querying w/o shape files
Lars V. Nielsen
- [Mapserver-users] MapScript on Windows (was: create and display point obj on the fly)
Lars V. Nielsen
- [Mapserver-users] MapScript 3.7 on Windows - CGI problems
Lars V. Nielsen
- [Mapserver-users] More MapScript 3.7 problems
Lars V. Nielsen
- [Mapserver-users] More MapScript 3.7 problems
Lars V. Nielsen
- [Mapserver-users] More MapScript 3.7 problems
Lars V. Nielsen
- [Mapserver-users] multimap.com patent
Lars V. Nielsen
- [Mapserver-users] Raster: rotation params in WLD file
Lars V. Nielsen
- [Mapserver-users] Tiling a large raster
Lars V. Nielsen
- [Mapserver-users] Error when compiling mapserver in win32.
- [Mapserver-users] Fw: [Mapserver-dev] Native Win32 PostgreSQL libPQ
- [Mapserver-users] win32 postgis
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer on Zaurus Linux
Hisaji Ono
- [Mapserver-users] ActiveX - MapServer View
Hisaji Ono
- [Mapserver-users] How to speed up reading Shape files' large DBF
Hisaji Ono
- [Mapserver-users] How to speed up reading Shape files' large DBF
Hisaji Ono
- [Mapserver-users] white (blank) image?
Debbie Pagurek
- [Mapserver-users] cygwin compilation question
Brandon Plasters
- [Mapserver-users] Installing Python-MapScript (once again)
Björn Platzen
- [Mapserver-users] ImageColorAllocate on MapServer PNG
Alexander Pucher
- [Mapserver-users] .tiff resolution
Charlton Purvis
- [Mapserver-users] .tiff resolution
Charlton Purvis
- [Mapserver-users] .tiff resolution
Charlton Purvis
- [Mapserver-users] .tiff resolution
Charlton Purvis
- [Mapserver-users] .tiff resolution
Charlton Purvis
- [Mapserver-users] premature end of script headers (php)
Charlton Purvis
- [Mapserver-users] premature end of script headers (php)
Charlton Purvis
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver 3.6.4 and RedHat 8.0
Dana Quinn
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver 3.6.4 and RedHat 8.0
Dana Quinn
- [Mapserver-users] how to restrict layers based on location?
Dana Quinn
- [Mapserver-users] how to restrict layers based on location?
Dana Quinn
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer, routing/driving directions, TIGER data
Dana Quinn
- [Mapserver-users] using perl: "can't locate mapscript.pm"
Dana Quinn
- [Mapserver-users] A tool to configure mapfiles and geographic data
Nicolas RIBOT
- [Mapserver-users] New User - Compile problems...
Aaron Racicot
- [Mapserver-users] New User - Compile problems...
Aaron Racicot
- [Mapserver-users] JpGraph + Mapserver 3.6.3 + php_mapscript
Prashanth Ram
- [Mapserver-users] win32 postgis
Paul Ramsey
- [Mapserver-users] Large Map Files
Paul Ramsey
- [Mapserver-users] optimizing shapefiles with the mapserver utilities?
Paul Ramsey
- [Mapserver-users] Large Map Files
Paul Ramsey
- [Mapserver-users] Train line
Paul Ramsey
- [Mapserver-users] Can't seem to get the projection correct
Paul Ramsey
- [Mapserver-users] How to speed up reading Shape files' large DBF
Paul Ramsey
- [Mapserver-users] Street name
Paul Ramsey
- [Mapserver-users] map drop shadow effect
Paul Ramsey
- [Mapserver-users] Troubles with shapefiles
Paul Ramsey
- [Mapserver-users] Annotation
John Richardson
- [Mapserver-users] Line Thickness
John Richardson
- [Mapserver-users] Searching
John Richardson
- [Mapserver-users] problem on symbol rendering from a truetype font
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver 3.7
Phillip C. Roberts
- [Mapserver-users] RH 7.3 & PHP 4.3.1 with regex enabled issue - Mapserver configure
Phillip C. Roberts
- [Mapserver-users] Easy Question - PC to Unix
Mark Rodrigo
- [Mapserver-users] Easy Question - PC to Unix
Mark Rodrigo
- [Mapserver-users] How do I make a ploygon layer transparent
Joseph Rodrigues
- [Mapserver-users] color dots as wels
Joseph Rodrigues
- [Mapserver-users] Can't view the legend of a raster file
Sonia Rosas
- [Mapserver-users] application builder
Wolfgang Rosenauer
- [Mapserver-users] MAPXY and QUERYITEM
Patrick Rouse
- [Mapserver-users] Run a C program from an HTML page ?
John Rubin
- [Mapserver-users] Run a C program from an HTML page ?
John Rubin
- [Mapserver-users] Basic questions
Mick Ruthven
- [Mapserver-users] Maximum number of classes/layers (was: prem ature end of script headers (php))
Ryan, Adam
- [Mapserver-users] Large Map Files
Ryan, Adam
- [Mapserver-users] please confirm crosshatch symbol weirdness
Ryan, Adam
- [Mapserver-users] please confirm crosshatch symbol weirdness
Ryan, Adam
- [Mapserver-users] mapscript
Ryan, Adam
- [Mapserver-users] "[queryfile]" returns without slashes
Ryan, Adam
- [Mapserver-users] ESRIWeather TTF ascii code?
Ryan, Adam
- [Mapserver-users] BEGINNER question : show image with X (coordinates)
Pedro Salazar
- [Mapserver-users] BEGINNER question : show image with X (coordinates)
Pedro Salazar
- [Mapserver-users] white (blank) image?
Pedro Salazar
- [Mapserver-users] white (blank) image?
Pedro Salazar
- [Mapserver-users] white (blank) image?
Pedro Salazar
- [Mapserver-users] 2 questions: 1- map images (scale, legend, ...) + 2- zoom (x,y)
Pedro Salazar
- [Mapserver-users] using perl: "can't locate mapscript.pm"
Pedro Salazar
- [Mapserver-users] override SIZE directive in map through CGI parameter?
Pedro Salazar
- [Mapserver-users] override SIZE directive in map through CGI parameter?
Pedro Salazar
- [Mapserver-users] spatial database support/configuration
Pedro Salazar
- [Mapserver-users] override SIZE directive in map through CGI parameter?
Pedro Salazar
- [Mapserver-users] mapscript/perl: Can't locate object method "new" via package "mapObj"
Pedro Salazar
- [Mapserver-users] Re: mapscript/perl: Can't locate object method "new" via package "mapObj" [SOLVED]
Pedro Salazar
- [Mapserver-users] mapscript/perl: inserting points by request ...(Xbase?)
Pedro Salazar
- [Mapserver-users] Help me,please
nantawat Sathiennam
- [Mapserver-users] --with-gdal --without-tiff
Agneta Schick
- [Mapserver-users] creating windows binary installation package ??
Michael Schulz
- [Mapserver-users] How to label points with attributes from Mysql-DB
Michael Schulz
- [Mapserver-users] Angle - field
Michael Schulz
- [Mapserver-users] Browser anomalies
Michael Schulz
- [Mapserver-users] Browser anomalies
Michael Schulz
- [Mapserver-users] Browser anomalies
Michael Schulz
- [Mapserver-users] Query Mapscript
Michael Schulz
- [Mapserver-users] installation
Michael Schulz
- [Mapserver-users] mapscript using layer filter
Michael Schulz
- [Mapserver-users] Installing Python-MapScript (once again)
Michael Schulz
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver 3.7, PHP/mapscript, Apache 2.x, RH8
Vincent Schut
- [Mapserver-users] Problem (FWD)
Vincent Schut
- [Mapserver-users] swf-output progress & changelog?
Vincent Schut
- [Mapserver-users] Tiling a large raster
Vincent Schut
- [Mapserver-users] mapscript mouse over
Vincent Schut
- [Mapserver-users] RH 7.3 & PHP 4.3.1 with regex enabled issue - Mapserver configure
Vincent Schut
- [Mapserver-users] Layer question
Vincent Schut
- [Mapserver-users] Printing from ie 5.00.2614
Vincent Schut
- [Mapserver-users] RE: oceans and seas shapefiles
Stefan Schwarzer
- [Mapserver-users] how to paste an image over the map image???
Stefan Schwarzer
- [Mapserver-users] 1000 shapefiles or a database?
Stefan Schwarzer
- [Mapserver-users] Save view as shapefile
Stefan Schwarzer
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer Capabilities
Stefan Schwarzer
- [Mapserver-users] Configure Error regex in php
Lars Schylberg
- [Mapserver-users] Gmap75 demo - gd - freetype problem
Lars Schylberg
- [Mapserver-users] Question
Qian Sha
- [Mapserver-users] raw map extend and new map extend
Qian Sha
- [Mapserver-users] test
Qian Sha
- [Mapserver-users] converting to perl
Jon Shorie
- [Mapserver-users] converting to perl
Jon Shorie
- [Mapserver-users] converting to perl
Jon Shorie
- [Mapserver-users] Compilation Question
Kevin Slover
- [Mapserver-users] Demo help
Kevin Slover
- [Mapserver-users] mapplet question
Kevin Slover
- [Mapserver-users] mapplet question
Kevin Slover
- [Mapserver-users] more mapplet questions
Kevin Slover
- [Mapserver-users] img problem
Kevin Slover
- [Mapserver-users] img problem
Kevin Slover
- [Mapserver-users] Checkbox with java help
Kevin Slover
- [Mapserver-users] Checkbox with java help
Kevin Slover
- [Mapserver-users] Setting size
Kevin Slover
- [Mapserver-users] Query Help
Kevin Slover
- [Mapserver-users] Layer question
Kevin Slover
- [Mapserver-users] References Question
Kevin Slover
- [Mapserver-users] Compile issues, no PNG's
Kevin Slover
- [Mapserver-users] Digitizing maps
Paul Spencer
- [Mapserver-users] software to create shape from vector graphics
Paul Spencer
- [Mapserver-users] how to paste an image over the map image???
Paul Spencer
- [Mapserver-users] PHP 4.3.0 security issues
Paul Spencer
- [Mapserver-users] using Frames - basic question (simple)
Paul Spencer
- [Mapserver-users] Re: [maplab-users] About the join object
Paul Spencer
- [Mapserver-users] basic PHP mapscript config
Paul Spencer
- [Mapserver-users] $lyr->getShape($shape,$tile,$record) problem
Eduardo Spremolla
- [Mapserver-users] $lyr->getShape($shape,$tile,$record) problem
Eduardo Spremolla
- [Mapserver-users] Coding rubber band zoom box with Javascript]
Eduardo Spremolla
- [Mapserver-users] Browser anomalies
Robert Stanton
- [Mapserver-users] Browser anomalies
Robert Stanton
- [Mapserver-users] Browser anomalies
Robert Stanton
- [Mapserver-users] Browser anomalies
Robert Stanton
- Fw: [Mapserver-users] Browser anomalies
Robert Stanton
- [Mapserver-users] installation
Kaps Stefan
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer & Tomcat
Kaps Stefan
- [Mapserver-users] Error when compiling mapserver in win32.
Swaminathan, Gayathri
- [Mapserver-users] Error when compiling mapserver in win32.
Swaminathan, Gayathri
- FW: [Mapserver-users] Error when compiling mapserver in win32.
Swaminathan, Gayathri
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver win32 compilation problems
Swaminathan, Gayathri
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer 3.7 / Win32
Swaminathan, Gayathri
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver Compile with Postgis option
Swaminathan, Gayathri
- [Mapserver-users] Coding rubber band zoom box with Javascript
Swaminathan, Gayathri
- [Mapserver-users] Railroad Symbol
- [Mapserver-users] Problem (FWD)
- [Mapserver-users] New site
- [Mapserver-users] QUERYMAP using PHP/MapScript does not display label
Van Ulden, Joost
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver for Win32
Vasquez Sanchez, Christian Grupo Desarrollo
- [Mapserver-users] creating windows binary installation package ??
Berend Veldkamp
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver 3.6.3 - Compile errors
Norman Vine
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer 3.7 / Win32 / GD2
Norman Vine
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer 3.7 / Win32 / GD2
Norman Vine
- [Mapserver-users] Site Critique
Norman Vine
- [Mapserver-users] New User - Compile problems...
Norman Vine
- [Mapserver-users] How to speed up reading Shape files' large DBF
Norman Vine
- [Mapserver-users] Installing Python-MapScript (once again)
Norman Vine
- [Mapserver-users] [PHP/MS 3.7-dev]: setRGB() conflicts with createLegendIcon() ?
Vinko Vrsalovic
- [Mapserver-users] [PHP/MS 3.7-dev]: setRGB() conflicts with createLegendIcon() ?
Vinko Vrsalovic
- [Mapserver-users] [PHP/MS 3.7-dev]: setRGB() conflictswith createLegendIcon() ?
Vinko Vrsalovic
- [Mapserver-users] Easy Question - PC to Unix
Vinko Vrsalovic
- [Mapserver-users] BEGINNER question : show image with X (coordinates)
Vinko Vrsalovic
- [Mapserver-users] BEGINNER question : show image with X (coordinates)
Vinko Vrsalovic
- [Mapserver-users] BEGINNER question : show image with X (coordinates)
Vinko Vrsalovic
- [Mapserver-users] Regular expression.
Vinko Vrsalovic
- [Mapserver-users] Easy Question - PC to Unix
Vinko Vrsalovic
- [Mapserver-users] [PHP/MS 3.7-dev]: setRGB() conflictswith createLegendIcon() ?
Vinko Vrsalovic
- [Mapserver-users] 3.7 needing Oracle lib?
Vinko Vrsalovic
- [Mapserver-users] Save view as shapefile
Vinko Vrsalovic
- [Mapserver-users] EXTENSION parameter in OUTPUTFORMAT removed?
Vinko Vrsalovic
- [Mapserver-users] Size reduction and Re: EXTENSION parameter in OUTPUTFORMAT removed?
Vinko Vrsalovic
- [Mapserver-users] map drop shadow effect
Vinko Vrsalovic
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer Capabilities
Vinko Vrsalovic
- [Mapserver-users] Annotation
- [Mapserver-users] ESRIWeather TTF ascii code?
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer, routing/driving directions, TIGER data
Eric Ward
- [Mapserver-users] Compilation Question
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] Re: [Bug 270] 24-bit image processing crash
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] How to speed up reading Shape files' large DBF
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] JPEG and IMAGETYPE with mapserver 3.6.3
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] PNG24 bit not working for me
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] Raster: rotation params in WLD file
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] Raster: rotation params in WLD file
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] Raster: rotation params in WLD file
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] Raster: rotation params in WLD file - Resampling
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] 3.7 needing Oracle lib?
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] EXTENSION parameter in OUTPUTFORMAT removed?
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] --with-gdal --without-tiff
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] Raster: rotation params in WLD file - Resampling
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] Projecting Rasters 3.7
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] Projecting Rasters 3.7
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] PERL mapscript polygon shapefile creation
Ken Waters
- [Mapserver-users] Re: PERL mapscript polygon shapefile creation
Ken Waters
- [Mapserver-users] Re: PERL mapscript polygon shapefile creation
Ken Waters
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer and Java
Harald Wehr
- [Mapserver-users] Angle - field
Dr. Martin Weinelt
- [Mapserver-users] Compile Problems 3.6.4, nightly with Solaris8
Oliver Wesp
- [Mapserver-users] Compile Problems 3.6.4, nightly with Solaris8
Oliver Wesp
- [Mapserver-users] 3.7 needing Oracle lib?
Oliver Wesp
- [Mapserver-users] 3.7 itemquery
Oliver Wesp
- [Mapserver-users] 3.7 itemquery
Oliver Wesp
- [Mapserver-users] 3.7 DATAPATTERN
Oliver Wesp
- [Mapserver-users] Site Critique
Caffeinate The World
- [Mapserver-users] mapserver demo with postgis
Caffeinate The World
- [Mapserver-users] did something change between 3.6.3 and 3.6.4?
Caffeinate The World
- [Mapserver-users] did something change between 3.6.3 and 3.6.4?
Caffeinate The World
- [Mapserver-users] did something change between 3.6.3 and 3.6.4?
Caffeinate The World
- [Mapserver-users] did something change between 3.6.3 and 3.6.4?
Caffeinate The World
- [Mapserver-users] did something change between 3.6.3 and 3.6.4?
Caffeinate The World
- [Mapserver-users] did something change between 3.6.3 and 3.6.4?
Caffeinate The World
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer Error in msOpenSHPFile()
Caffeinate The World
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer Error in msOpenSHPFile()
Caffeinate The World
- [Mapserver-users] software to create shape from vector graphics
Caffeinate The World
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer, routing/driving directions, TIGER data
Caffeinate The World
- [Mapserver-users] PostGIS Spatial Selections in MapScript
Benjamin Wragg
- [Mapserver-users] Classes based on Postgis && function
Benjamin Wragg
- [Mapserver-users] Classes based on Postgis && function
Benjamin Wragg
- [Mapserver-users] Classes based on Postgis && function
Benjamin Wragg
- FW: [Mapserver-users] Random Issues
Benjamin Wragg
- FW: [Mapserver-users] Random Issues
Benjamin Wragg
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver Lecturing
Steve Young
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver Lecturing
Steve Young
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver 3.6.4 and RedHat 8.0
Klaus Zahradnik
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver 3.6.4 and RedHat 8.0
Klaus Zahradnik
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver 3.6.4 and RedHat 8.0
Klaus Zahradnik
- [Mapserver-users] RE: MI-L Off Topic: ham radio modeling over open source
Jerry.Bratton at alltel.com
- [Mapserver-users] RE: MI-L Off Topic: ham radio modeling over open source
Jerry.Bratton at alltel.com
- [Mapserver-users] RE: MapServer - aplication (FWD)
jvinas at amcondeminas.com
- [Mapserver-users] Angle - field
frode.wiseth.jorgensen at avinet.no
- [Mapserver-users] How to install oracle spatial library?
pond bear
- [Mapserver-users] Optimising PostGIS relates/subselects/views
Antti.Roppola at brs.gov.au
- [Mapserver-users] Optimising PostGIS relates/subselects/views
Antti.Roppola at brs.gov.au
- [Mapserver-users] nightly shp2pdf segfaults on truetype fonts
Antti.Roppola at brs.gov.au
- [Mapserver-users] nightly shp2pdf segfaults on truetype fonts
Antti.Roppola at brs.gov.au
- [Mapserver-users] nightly shp2pdf segfaults on truetype fonts
Antti.Roppola at brs.gov.au
- [Mapserver-users] Code of PHP CGI Program Displayed
Antti.Roppola at brs.gov.au
- [Mapserver-users] Browser anomalies
Antti.Roppola at brs.gov.au
- [Mapserver-users] Zoom Point
jose.quintal at cfe.gob.mx
- [Mapserver-users] RE: problem with boundaries
ryanne cruz
- [Mapserver-users] RE: problem with boundaries
ryanne cruz
- Fwd: Re: [Mapserver-users] How to make labels in MS with PostGIS
ryanne cruz
- [Mapserver-users] RE: problem with boundaries
ryanne cruz
- [Mapserver-users] RE: oceans and seas shapefiles
ryanne cruz
- [Mapserver-users] PHP undef WAS: Memory Leak? Extention
daniel.berstein at dmapas.com
- [Mapserver-users] basic PHP mapscript config
daniel.berstein at dmapas.com
- [Mapserver-users] Novice Questions
patrickrouse at earthlink.net
- [Mapserver-users] Coding rubber band zoom box with Javascript
John.Hockaday at ga.gov.au
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver and Oracle 9i
Timothy.Mackey at ga.gov.au
- [Mapserver-users] Credits
- [Mapserver-users] More MapScript 3.7 problems
fx gamoy
- [Mapserver-users] output format with mapserver3.7
fx gamoy
- [Mapserver-users] output format with mapserver3.7
fx gamoy
- [Mapserver-users] SWF output with mapserver3.7
fx gamoy
- [Mapserver-users] SWF OUTPUT compil with mapserver 3.7 (developpement)
fx gamoy
- [Mapserver-users] compil error with the nighty build (mapserver 3.7)
fx gamoy
- [Mapserver-users] JPEG and IMAGETYPE with mapserver 3.6.3
fx gamoy
- [Mapserver-users] Compilation Question
richard hornsby
- [Mapserver-users] label placement, how shape's center is determined
richard hornsby
- [Mapserver-users] layer STATUS as CGI parameter
richard hornsby
- [Mapserver-users] layer STATUS as CGI parameter (SOLVED)
richard hornsby
- [Mapserver-users] Raster geotiff turns background yellow (now turns vectors gray)
randy james
- [Mapserver-users] Digitizing maps
randy james
- [Mapserver-users] Large Map Files
randy james
- [Mapserver-users] ODBC connection data entry
randy james
- [Mapserver-users] Creating a TTF font?
randy james
- [Mapserver-users] Can't seem to get the projection correct
randy james
- [Mapserver-users] EXTENSION parameter in OUTPUTFORMAT removed?
randy james
- [Mapserver-users] Printing from ie 5.00.2614
randy james
- [Mapserver-users] Projecting Rasters 3.7
randy james
- [Mapserver-users] Can't locate 'new' method of mapObj
- [Mapserver-users] Can't locate 'new' method of mapObj
- [Mapserver-users] Regular expression.
- [Mapserver-users] Regular expression.
- [Mapserver-users] WMS <---> Legend and scalebar
tmp at lmg.dk
- [Mapserver-users] WMS GetCapabilities
tmp at lmg.dk
- [Mapserver-users] transparency in symbol PNG's
tmp at lmg.dk
- [Mapserver-users] rh7 prob with mapserv
pramod at mahiti.net
- [Mapserver-users] Turning on/off parts of layer based on expression
Steve McCrone maps at work
- [Mapserver-users] Annotation layer with gifs disappears at a certain scale
Steve McCrone maps at work
- [Mapserver-users] False alarm! - must include FORCE TRUE
Steve McCrone maps at work
- [Mapserver-users] using Frames - basic question (simple)
Steve McCrone maps at work
- [Mapserver-users] mapplet_mouse_exited function
- [Mapserver-users] Re: select mapsize from combo box
Zatorsky.MichaelP at police.qld.gov.au
- [Mapserver-users] How to make labels in MS with PostGIS
christian.schuster at rsag.ch
- [Mapserver-users] Image not created
christian.schuster at rsag.ch
- [Mapserver-users] Help for extend
christian.schuster at rsag.ch
- [Mapserver-users] Help Mapfile / Layer and general definitions
christian.schuster at rsag.ch
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer and Java
christian.schuster at rsag.ch
- [Mapserver-users] Could not find/open font
christian.schuster at rsag.ch
- [Mapserver-users] MS and IE
christian.schuster at rsag.ch
- [Mapserver-users] Zoom troubles
christian.schuster at rsag.ch
- [Mapserver-users] Checkbox with java help
christian.schuster at rsag.ch
- [Mapserver-users] Checkbox with java help
christian.schuster at rsag.ch
- [Mapserver-users] Zoom troubles
christian.schuster at rsag.ch
- [Mapserver-users] Symbol / How to create different streets
christian.schuster at rsag.ch
- [Mapserver-users] Hello
jose ss
- [Mapserver-users] Angle - field
raskpost at start.no
- [Mapserver-users] PHP4/MapScript bug
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver 3.7, PHP/mapscript, Apache 2.x, RH8
nobody at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver 3.7, PHP/mapscript, Apache 2.x, RH8
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] PHP4/MapScript bug
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] PHP4/MapScript bug
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] WMS and ArcMap / ArcGIS
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] (Fwd) Help!!!!
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] Code of PHP CGI Program Displayed
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] did something change between 3.6.3 and 3.6.4?
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] did something change between 3.6.3 and 3.6.4?
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver Lecturing
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer, routing/driving directions, TIGER data
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] HELP! Bug in PHP 4.3.x ???
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] HELP! Bug in PHP 4.3.x ???
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] Another potential PHP 4.3.x - MS-3.7 issue
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] hot to apply an angle to label items??
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] PHP 4.3.0 security issues
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] PHP-4.3.x/Apache2/RH8 and mapscript issue
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] PNG24 bit not working for me
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] PNG24 bit not working for me
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] PHP-4.3.x/Apache2/RH8 and mapscript issue
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] Random Issues
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] 1000 shapefiles or a database?
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] Re: PERL mapscript polygon shapefile creation
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] Re: PERL mapscript polygon shapefile creation
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer Capabilities
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] Classes based on Postgis && function
bwragg at tpg.com.au
- [Mapserver-users] help:labels
pia rose trias
- [Mapserver-users] Re: Mapserver-users digest, Vol 1 #60 - 14 msgs
pia rose trias
- [Mapserver-users] mapscript mouse over
pia rose trias
- [Mapserver-users] pixel,mouseover,imagemap
pia rose trias
- [mapserver-users] MapScript scalebar and reference map
- [Mapserver-users] GIS question
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer, routing/driving directions, TIGER data
ew at xmission.com
Last message date:
Fri Feb 28 16:06:31 PST 2003
Archived on: Mon Oct 7 06:02:14 PDT 2024
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).