[Mapserver-users] WMS client layer and TerraServer

Ed McNierney ed at topozone.com
Fri Feb 14 11:17:44 EST 2003

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Brian -
If you're going to be using a WMS client, I would recommend moving up to =
3.7.  The 3.6x versions used libwww for HTTP transfers, and 3.7 uses the =
much simpler libcurl to do that.  Since WMS support is clearly an =
active, ongoing development area, it's worth it to make the change now =
and avoid the libwww process.
We have used TerraServer's WMS interface.  I'm not sure exactly what =
problem you've having with the images - certainly, if you're adding =
other data on top and need more palette space, moving up to 3.7/GD 2.x =
will be a big improvement.
We offer USGS DOQQs and DRGs as OGC WMS services for commercial =
customers.  They are not free.  Given the considerable expense involved =
in providing this data online, we think they're pretty affordably =
priced, but they're not "cheap".  The DRGs are much less expensive than =
the DOQQs.  Unlike TerraServer, the data we have available as WMS layers =
is full-resolution GeoTIFF data as it is delivered from the USGS.  The =
TerraServer imagery is converted to JPEGs to save space, and that can =
make a noticeable difference.
    - Ed
Ed McNierney
President and Chief Mapmaker
TopoZone.com / Maps a la carte, Inc.
73 Princeton Street, Suite 305
North Chelmsford, MA  01863
ed at topozone.com
(978) 251-4242=20

-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Fischer [mailto:bfischer at mpls.houstoneng.com]
Sent: Friday, February 14, 2003 9:40 AM
To: mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
Subject: [Mapserver-users] WMS client layer and TerraServer

I would like to add the TerraServer WMS as a layer in an application, =
but I am not sure what version and compiled support for MapServer I need =
to make this work.  I am currently using 3.6.3 and I know it does not =
work with that version.  Will I need to upgrade to 3.7 or will 3.6.4 =


Is anyone else successfully using the TerraServer as a WMS layer?  I =
know there have been past post that said it works with 3.7, but unless =
you are using GD2.x the image does not look the best.  Are there any =
other free sources or very cheap sources for USGS DOQ's and DRG's as a =
WMS Service?




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<DIV><SPAN class=3D875200416-14022003><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff =
you're going to be using a WMS client, I would recommend moving up to =
The 3.6x versions used libwww for HTTP transfers, and 3.7 uses the much =
libcurl to do that.&nbsp; Since WMS support is clearly an active, =
development area, it's worth it to make the change now and avoid the =
<DIV><SPAN class=3D875200416-14022003><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff =

<DIV><SPAN class=3D875200416-14022003><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff =
have used TerraServer's WMS interface.&nbsp; I'm not sure exactly what =
you've having with the images - certainly, if you're adding other data =
on top=20
and need more palette space, moving up to 3.7/GD 2.x&nbsp;will be a big=20
<DIV><SPAN class=3D875200416-14022003><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff =

<DIV><SPAN class=3D875200416-14022003><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff =
offer USGS DOQQs and DRGs as OGC WMS services for commercial =
They are not free.&nbsp; Given the considerable expense involved in =
this data online, we think they're pretty affordably priced, but they're =
"cheap".&nbsp; The DRGs are much less expensive than the DOQQs.&nbsp; =
TerraServer, the data we have available as WMS layers is full-resolution =
data as it is delivered from the USGS.&nbsp; The TerraServer imagery is=20
converted to JPEGs to save space, and that can make a noticeable=20
<DIV><SPAN class=3D875200416-14022003><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff =

<DIV><SPAN class=3D875200416-14022003>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <FONT =
color=3D#0000ff size=3D2>- Ed</FONT></SPAN></DIV>
<DIV><SPAN class=3D875200416-14022003>
<P><FONT size=3D2>Ed McNierney<BR>President and Chief =
Mapmaker<BR>TopoZone.com /=20
Maps a la carte, Inc.<BR>73 Princeton Street, Suite 305<BR>North =
MA&nbsp; 01863<BR>ed at topozone.com<BR>(978) 251-4242 =
<BLOCKQUOTE dir=3Dltr style=3D"MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
  <DIV class=3DOutlookMessageHeader dir=3Dltr align=3Dleft><FONT =
  size=3D2>-----Original Message-----<BR><B>From:</B> Brian Fischer=20
  [mailto:bfischer at mpls.houstoneng.com]<BR><B>Sent:</B> Friday, February =
  2003 9:40 AM<BR><B>To:</B>=20
  mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu<BR><B>Subject:</B> [Mapserver-users] =
  client layer and TerraServer<BR><BR></FONT></DIV>
  <DIV class=3DSection1>
  <P class=3DMsoNormal><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2><SPAN=20
  style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial">I would like to add the=20
  TerraServer WMS as a layer in an application, but I am not sure what =
  and compiled support for MapServer I need to make this work. &nbsp;I =
  currently using 3.6.3 and I know it does not work with that =
  Will I need to upgrade to 3.7 or will 3.6.4 work?</SPAN></FONT></P>
  <P class=3DMsoNormal><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2><SPAN=20
  style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"></SPAN></FONT>&nbsp;</P>
  <P class=3DMsoNormal><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2><SPAN=20
  style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial">Is anyone else =
successfully using=20
  the TerraServer as a WMS layer?&nbsp; I know there have been past post =
  said it works with 3.7, but unless you are using GD2.x the image does =
not look=20
  the best.&nbsp; Are there any other free sources or very cheap sources =
  USGS DOQ&#8217;s and DRG&#8217;s as a WMS Service?</SPAN></FONT></P>
  <P class=3DMsoNormal><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2><SPAN=20
  style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"></SPAN></FONT>&nbsp;</P>
  <P class=3DMsoNormal><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2><SPAN=20
  style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: =
  <P class=3DMsoNormal><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2><SPAN=20
  style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: =


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