[Mapserver-users] how to paste an image over the map image???

Paul Spencer spencer at dmsolutions.ca
Wed Feb 19 12:53:22 PST 2003

Actually, there is a pasteImage function in php_mapscript :)

In any case, I don't think that you can load an image from disk as you 
are trying to do.  One solution is to add the image to the symbol file

Name 'compass'
Image 'path_to_image.png'

then your code would look something like (not guaranteed to work ;)):

//$oMap is the mapscript map object
//$nX and $nY are the pixel position to draw the image

// create temp layer
$tmpLayer = ms_newLayerObj($oMap);
$tmpLayer->set("name", "temp_layer");
$tmpLayer->set("type", MS_LAYER_POINT);
$tmpLayer->set("status", MS_OFF);
$tmpLayer->set("transform", MS_FALSE);
$tmpLayer->set("labelitem", "test_label");
$tmpLayer->set("labelcache", MS_OFF);
$tmpClass = ms_newClassObj($tmpLayer);

//add colour to palette - this changes in MS3.7
$nColor = $oMap->addColor(0,0,0);

$nLogo = 16; //index of the symbol in the symbol file

//set class properties
$tmpClass->set("color" , $nColor );
$tmpClass->set("size" , 1 );
$tmpClass->set("symbol" ,$nLogo );

// create new point object
$oPoint = ms_newPointObj();


//the map image to draw on
$oImage = $oMap->draw();

// draw the point onto the map
$oPoint->draw($oMap, $tmpLayer, $oImage, 0,"");




Sean Gillies wrote:
> On Wednesday, February 19, 2003, at 10:22  AM, Andres Garcia wrote:
>> Hi!!
>> I need to paste an image (a compass) over the map image:
>> $compass = $mapa->prepareImage();
>> $compass->image_path = "/ms_tmp/";
>> $compass->image_url = "rosa_vientos.png";
>> $compass->saveWebImage($format,0,0,-1);
>> $image->pasteImage($compass,-1,0,0);
>> $image_url = $image->saveWebImage($formato,0,0,-1);
>> I tried with that code with out success. Can somebody tell me wich is 
>> the rigth way to paste an image over the image object that is 
>> generated by mapserver???
>> thanks in advance
>> Andress Garcia
> Andres,
> There is no 'pasteImage' method in MapScript.
> If you want to do post-MapServer image processing, you should look
> into using Perl ImageMagick or GD modules.  These modules will let
> you do what you want and much more.  Do a search on the
> web, check their user list archives, and you'll soon come up with
> some great tips on how you can overlay images.
> cheers,
> Sean
> -- 
> Sean Gillies
> sgillies at frii.com
> http://www.frii.com/~sgillies
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Paul Spencer
Applications and Software Development
DM Solutions Group Inc.

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