[Mapserver-users] spatial database support/configuration

Matthew Hatcher MJHatcher at space.qinetiq.com
Fri Feb 28 00:58:24 PST 2003


The message "OracleSpatial is not supported" appears when you attempt you
access an Oracle layer but the application has not been built with Oracle
enabled. You should check the messages you received when running 'configure'
and when building to check for errors (I presume you're on linux?).

You should either have an ORACLE_HOME env var set, or specify the path to
the oracle libraries on the --with statement, otherwise it won't find them.

Hope this helps,

-----Original Message-----
From: Pedro Salazar [mailto:pedro-b-salazar at ptinovacao.pt]
Sent: 27 February 2003 19:04
To: mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
Subject: [Mapserver-users] spatial database support/configuration


I'm interested in supply a layer information from a database (spatial?).
I have an oracle spatial data cartridge or/and an postgresql with

I compiled mapserver with "--with-postgis" and "--with-oraclespatial".
But I try to test it with oracle, 

NAME poi
   CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial
   CONNECTION "user/password at sid"
   DATA "SHAPE FROM (SELECT p.geom.sdo_point.x FROM p poi)"

but mapserver thrown an error:
"msOracleSpatialLayerOpen(): OracleSpatial error. OracleSpatial is not

I'm not saying even my layer configuration is right  - I doubt beginning
in the query data.., but I supposed it should support oracle, doesn't

by the way, in mapserver host I only have a oracle client, but I really
have a spatial oracle database indeed! It's also ok if I use postgis and
postgresql, and I would be grateful if you spare me a example of
configuration in map (or through a perl script)!! :)

Pedro Salazar

<id name="pedro salazar"> 
<email>pedro-b-salazar at ptinovacao.pt</email>

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