[Mapserver-users] MapServer 3.7 / Win32 / GD2

Yewondwossen Assefa assefa at dmsolutions.ca
Wed Feb 12 09:06:48 PST 2003

We did compile here for testing purpuse a win32 binaries with GD2 and
Freetype2. The binaries can be found at :



 Note that since It was a test build I did not include all the README's
that are usually there in these zip file. Only the
mapserver/php_mapscript  binaries and necessary dlls
It has been used by someone on the list successfully. I will be swiching
slowly in builing only a mapserver with GD2 if we do not find any issues
with it.

Note also that the GD version used does not have the GIF support for now.
I did not compile yes the patched version with the GIF support but will
probably use it in susuquent builds.


Jan Hartmann wrote:

> Has anyone compiled MapServer 3.7 for native Windows using GD2.0? The
> binaries provided on UMN use GD1.8.4, which has a Makefile for NT. I
> didn't find something like that in the GD2.0.11 distribution, and the
> install info for Windows was a bit terse ("learn the basic skills of
> your favorite C environment"). Can anyone help?
> Jan
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Assefa Yewondwossen
Software Analyst

Email: assefa at dmsolutions.ca

Phone: (613) 565-5056 (ext 14)
Fax:   (613) 565-0925

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