[Mapserver-users] Address Lookup

Chris Hagwood chagwood at ci.garner.nc.us
Tue Feb 11 08:05:11 PST 2003

I realize that ms can't do geocoding or address matching, but I have a parcel layer that has the street address in it's data file.  Since I can set it up to display the parcel info by clicking on it, is there a way to do the opposite?  Enter the address of the parcel and have ms find it?

If not, what about this:
I run IIS and have done a lot with ASP and databases, so if I can query the parcel info outside of mapserver, is there something I can pass to mapserver that will be similar/identical to clicking on it in a layer?

I think I'll have a handy reference for the public to view our police beats and even plot crimes on a map, but the missing piece is for them to look up their own house on the map in relation to the rest of the data.

Thanks for any tips!

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