[Mapserver-users] Re: [postgis-users] Off Topic: ham radio modeling over open source

Jan Hartmann jhart at frw.uva.nl
Tue Feb 18 04:55:03 EST 2003

Juanse wrote:

> Any one know of  tools to derive DEM like the ones need by splat SDF 
> from contour lines?
> Any one knows of other open source tool that could be usefull for our 
> purposes?


Try GRASS ( http://grass.itc.it/ ) It is a large, raster-based GIS 
analysis package, with some vector capabilities. To interpolate a raster 
map from contours you could use v.surf.rst


which offers "interpolation and topographic analysis from given contour 
data in vector format to GRASS floating point raster format using 
regularized spline with tension",

but there are also others (r.surf.contour, r.surf.idw, r.surf.idw2). 
There are also tons of other analysis tool. Your project looks ideally 
suited for GRASS. There is good documentation and an active user's list.


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