[Mapserver-users] MapServer Capabilities

woodbri at swoodbridge.com woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Thu Feb 27 16:46:22 PST 2003

I would strongly suggest that someone start a wiki page (OK, I'll do 
it -- http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?MapserverSites ) 
that has a short description of the site and a link to the site and a 
link to the owner/developer. You might also want to include info on 
what version of Mapserver it is built on. People should feel free to 
add there own Mapserver based sites here.

-Steve W

On 27 Feb 2003 at 13:02, Vinko Vrsalovic wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 27, 2003 at 08:12:12AM +0100, Stefan Schwarzer wrote: >
> Tom, > > I agree. I found the Gallery not too informative and "fresh".
>  I think as > well that there are applications based on MapServer on
> the Web, which are > far more developed and complex and would be
> really worth looking at. > Perhaps stupid idea, but can't we produce
> an on-line database where one can > post its site, perhaps under
> specific categories (city plan, environment, > infrastructure...). The
> sites could be rated by the visiting users, so that > an automated
> "quality check" could be produced and the listing would show > the
> "best sites" first... (Anyway, it should be sortable by different >
> options.) > 
> It's definitely not a bad idea. I can contribute with the coding if
> someone else does the design (categories, functionality, etc.) :-). I
> can also host it in my server. 
> -- 
> Vinko Vrsalovic <el[|- at -|]vinko.cl>
> http://www.cprsig.cl
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