[Mapserver-users] 3.7 DATAPATTERN

Jan Hartmann jhart at frw.uva.nl
Thu Feb 27 08:55:35 PST 2003


It seems the regex has to be *without* slashes and *with* quotes, e.g.:

will match only myfile

DATAPATTERN "myfile|yourfile"
will match either myfile or yourfile

DATAPATTERN "/home/data/.*"
will match everything below /home/data (note that the slashes are for 
directories, not for the regex)


will match everything.

BTW: DATAPATTERN "." will match only filenames that are exactly one 
character long; DATAPATTERN "/./" will match a file in the root 
directory with a name of one character followed by a slash.

As fas as I could see, error messages are output only when a DATAPATTERN 
is set and a DATA statement doesn't match it. When no DATAPATTERN is set 
and data are requested via the DATA statement, the DATA statement is 
ignored and a map is returned based on the original MapFile.


Oliver Wesp wrote:
> Dear List,
> I'm struggling with changin the datasource dynamically via cgi. This 
> requires the new DATAPATTERN-Parameter in MS 3.7. I tried different 
> settings with the following results:
> DATAPATTERN /./ results in
> getString(): Symbol definition error. (.):(16)
> DATAPATTERN '/./' seems to work but results in
> msEvalRegex(): Regular expression error. String (raster/myTIF.tif) 
> failed expression test.
> results in the generation of a new Map, but still the Data isn't 
> displayed. I guess I'm getting something totally wrong. Is anybody able 
> to give me an example on the usage of DATAPATTERN.
> Tanks in advance
> Oliver
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Jan Hartmann
Department of Geography
University of Amsterdam
jhart at frw.uva.nl

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